Moments in MR History
Video interviews and talks from noted contributors to the field of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
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William Greenleaf Eliot Professor and Professor of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine
Key Contributions:
Development and application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and imaging (MRI) for study of intact, functioning biological systems.
Video from 2013 ISMRM Plenary

Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science and Director of Division of MR Research, Johns Hopkins University
Key Contributions:
Development of first high-field whole-body MRI/MRS system and MRS of the heart and brain.
Video from 2012 ISMRM Mansfield lecture

Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley (deceased)
Key Contributions:
Discovery of the spin echo effect.

Professor and Research Director of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Chairman of the Magnetic Resonance Development and Application Center (MRDAC), University of Freiburg
Key Contributions:
Development of the spin echo train (RARE method).

Professor and Director, Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, University of Illinois (deceased)
Key Contributions:
Introducing magnetic field gradients in the magnetic field for spatial 2D encoding.

Emeritus Professor of Physics, Nottingham
Key Contributions:
Discovery of magnetic resonance imaging.

Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Key Contributions:
Pioneering work in RF pulse design, cardiac MRI and image reconstruction.
Video from 2013 ISMRM plenary

Professor of Radiology, Cornell University and Columbia University
Key Contributions:
Pioneering work in clinical MRI and contrast-enhanced MR angiography.
Video from 2013 ISMRM plenary

Higgens Professor of Physics, Harvard University (deceased)
Key Contributions:
Invention of the separated oscillatory field method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks.