Member Spotlight for November 2021:
Milan Gržan

Milan Gržan, B.Rad.Tech.(MR)
Radiochirurgia Zagreb
Sveta Nedelja, Croatia
SMRT Member since 2020
As a young college student, I was attracted to technologies like CT and MR. I got the opportunity to work on MR, and since then the passion for MR technology has not abated. During training, a colleague showed T1_space_IR brain images, and he used the invert filter in post processing. Someone asked him, “Hey what is this?” He joked, “This is T3-weighted pulse sequence.” We all had a good laugh and that joke became immortal. At that moment, I realized: this is an area where I want to develop professionally.
Following the principle of learning while working, I came to a basic understanding of how things work; over time, it turned out to be just a drop in the ocean.
MR imaging = lifelong learning, and I love it.
What do I love about MR? Well! I see it this way: T1 (MR-scanner) + T2 (It’s the patient and you) = 3T (It’s the MR symphony).
It’s all about the patient! They all have unique story and with the MR we can approach them individually. MR’s versatility is the thing that inspires me the most. There are so many ways to get the job done!
A typical day for me begins and ends in a sleepy walk with the dog. I have my first morning coffee with colleagues, and after that I am ready for anything. I work in a special oncology hospital, and the core business is radiosurgery SRS/SABR/SBRT. As an MR tech, I find it’s all about the precision and individual patient care. Afternoons are usually booked with the family activities. I am grateful to have beautiful family! A caring wife, two daughters, and a funny dog we named Trixie. They mean everything to me. I enjoy fishing, running, and cooking. I also love solitude—that’s why I love trail running. In my opinion, it’s a really powerful place to be for a personal development.
I joined SMRT because the amount of the information from basics to advanced is just mind-blowing. I love the content and the options for the study groups and the fact that if you have a question, there will be always someone who is ready to answer and help you with it. The true power of the society is the people within, and it’s nice to be there with all the gurus in the MRI field. In my opinion, the best way to learn something is to ask the right questions to the right people. It came naturally for me to join the society while searching profound knowledge.