Member Spotlight for March 2023:
Nancy Talbot

Nancy Talbot, M.App.Sc.,MRT(MR)(R)
Supervisor, MRI Princess Margaret Cancer Center/Manager MRI UHN
University Health Network
Toronto, ON, Canada
ISMRT Member since 2000
During my radiography clinical training in 1994, I had the opportunity to spend a couple days in the MRI department. I was hooked. The imaging was amazing, and this was a technology that was complex and intrigued me.
I took a one-day course in MRI before I even landed my first x-ray position. I had also applied to the ultrasound program after completing x-ray but had a job offer at a hospital with an MRI within days of being accepted into the US program. I took the job! At that time there were maybe 10 MRI scanners in the province of Ontario, and I thought that I had to try.
I love that MRI is complex and that you need to understand your physics to get the best images possible. I also love that I have to use that knowledge in MRI safety decisions. There is great satisfaction in working on protocols and creating amazing results to improve patient care. The diversity of the imaging we do and the fact that patients’ outcomes rely on the quality give me great satisfaction. While I do not work directly with patients as much as used to, I love to interact with patients and get them through their exams knowing that we have high quality images to help their journey.
My typical day starts at 0540 to get ready for work, and I leave the house by 0630. My commute is just over 50km, and depending on traffic, I am at work between 0700 and 0730. My day starts with checking on the MRI team to follow up with any issues from the night shift or see what concerns the day shift has. I am currently in a combined role: directly supervising MRI and managing other parts of the medical imaging department. My day is a combination of meetings directly MRI-related, including operations, protocols, and new projects. I get the opportunity to scan when we have staffing issues! I leave work around 1630-ish for the commute home. I love driving and spending the time reflecting and planning.
I have been married for the last 25 years to an amazing man who has put up with my MRI obsession and now speaks the lingo. We currently have two cats with great personalities that keep us entertained and busy at home. Our extended family is all distanced: mine two hours west in Ontario and my husband’s up to 12 hours east in Quebec. My main hobbies include sewing as well as refinishing and restoring antique furniture.
I have been a member of the ISMRT since 2000 when I attended the annual conference in Denver. I was pulled into the ISMRT by a couple of technologist colleagues who were members, and some of the first MRI technologists in the province. I joined to attend the annual meetings and receive MRI education. The ability to network and learn from those in the ISMRT is amazing. I look forward to every annual meeting; I have the opportunity to attend and stay the entire week to take in the ISMRM courses as well.
ISMRT is the preeminent source of MRI knowledge. I love that I can go to the website and find so much information and education. I have also had the honor of being invited to speak at ISMRT and ISMRM events, and I greatly enjoyed those opportunities. I have been a past policy board member and currently am on the program committee for 2023 ISMRT in Toronto, where being a committee member builds more connections and relationships.