Member Spotlight for July 2020:
Victor Mihalache

Victor Mihalache, M.D.
Medinst Diagnostic Imagistic
Bucuresti, Romania
ISMRM Member since 2002
Victor has been a member of ISMRM since 2002. He first became interested in MR in 1992 when he applied for a scholarship to attend the ISMRM & ESMRMB Joint Meeting in Berlin. After almost 30 years in clinical radiology, he has discovered the field of magnetic resonance in medicine, an area that offers him the chance to penetrate much more deeply in the world of clinical diagnosis.
What Victor loves most about ISMRM is the multidisciplinary component and the democratic spirit. He has served as a member of the Global Development Committee from 2004-2005. Since 2011 he has been the chair of the ISMRM Romanian Chapter and a member of the chapters committee.
Victor has a dear wife named Maria, and his hobbies include travel, music, theater, film and sports.