MR Safety Week 2023 | 23 – 29 July

Welcome to ISMRT’s
MR Safety Week 2023
Virtual Meetings
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Note: Credit is not available via these recordings.
The last week in July is universally recognized as MR Safety Week, inspired by the anniversary and 2001 tragic MRI-related death of Michael Colombini, age 6, resulting from a steel oxygen cylinder being brought into the MRI room during his exam 1, 2, 3. The initial goal of this week was to prevent such a tragedy from happening again and has expanded into a week-long event giving us a chance to refresh our safety education and highlight some of the issues we all face in the MR environment.
MR Safety is an important part of our lives, and education is the cornerstone of a safe MR workplace. The ISMRT safety committee, in support and recognition of this event, has compiled a variety of resources to remind us to check our site procedures to ensure we follow best practices. This year, we offer a series of virtual meetings on a variety of aspects of safety in the MR workplace.
Registration includes access to each virtual meeting throughout the week. You are not obligated to participate every day, only the days you wish. Accreditation will be offered based on attendance at each live virtual event.
Learn & Earn CEUs
These virtual meetings are free and offer credit during the week of 23 – 29 July 2023. A new virtual meeting will be presented each day, offering a maximum of 1.0 hour of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and Category A Credit.
Members and visitors can earn credits for attending these virtual meetings by logging in and registering for the virtual meeting. Non-members can attend the virtual meeting for free and attain credit, but must have an account. Create a new account here. Recordings of the events will only be available to members.
Visit our MR Safety Resources page for even more safety information, including videos, posters and events!

Moderators: Sonja K. Boiteaux, M.Sc., R.T.(R)(MR) & John Posh, R.T.(R)(MR)
MRI Environmental Emergency & Lessons Learned
Jakob M. Møller, Ph.D.
This will cover emergency events such as a fire or flood in the MRI environment. A speaker will explain their personal incidence, lessons learned, and policy management around and documentation of these events.
MRI Incident-Reporting Template
Barbara Nugent, BSc (Hons), PgC (MRI), DCR(R), MRSO (MRSC™)
This talk will discuss how developing appropriate strategies to prevent MRI safety incidents requires analysis of appropriate incident data. Incident reporting, however, is generally poor. Could introducing standardised categories for reporting MRI safety incidents help to improve reporting rates and the quality of incident data?

Moderators: Leslie E. Clouston, R.T., B.Sc.(R)(MR), Frank G. Shellock, Ph.D. & Ben Kennedy, M.Sc., B.Appl.Sc.(MRI)
Overview: Remote MRI Scanning has become a hot topic across the world for its need in current challenges to MRI scanner staffing and training of staff with increased demands on its services. Whilst the uptake is in process, MRI safety implications have many unmet challenges which need to be drawn out and potentially regulated through bodies such as the ACR who recently brought out guidelines for feedback from the field. This important session will discuss these unmet challenges and possible solutions for future guidelines and regulatory authority to follow.
MRI Safety in the Remote Scanning Environment
John Posh, R.T.(R)(MR)

Moderators: Kate E. Skehan, R.T. & Glenn Cahoon, M.Sc.
Overview: This session will focus on safety in the MRI environment within the radiotherapy setting. It will cover identifying any knowledge gaps and developing education initiatives for both radiographers and radiation therapists. We will have representatives from the IPEM topical report on safe use of MRI for EBRT, the ACPSEM position paper on safety of MRLinacs, as well as the AAPM working group for MR RT safety.
Note: The presentations are pre-recorded but the panel discussion will be live.
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task group 284 report: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Simulation in Radiotherapy: Considerations for Clinical Implementation, Optimization & Quality Assurance
Ali Fatemi-Ardekani, Ph.D.
Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) Position Paper: The Safety of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Linear Accelerators
Nikki Shelton, Ph.D. & Nick Cook, Ph.D.
Institute Of Physics And Engineering In Medicine (IPEM) Topical Report: Guidance on the Use of MRI for External Beam Radiotherapy Treatment Planning & Credentialing MRI in Radiation Therapy
Mikki Campbell & Cynthia Eccles
Panel Discussion

Moderators: Vera L. Kimbrell, MEd, R.T.(R)(MR) & Joanna Shechtel, M.D.
Overview: This pre-recorded session will cover current updates on low- to high-field changes to safety information and center on the lack of testing of active and passive implants in the ultra-low MRI field.
Managing Patients with Passive Implants on Low Field (<1.5T) MR Systems
Frank G. Shellock, Ph.D., FACR, FISMRM, FACC
Remember, MR Safety is within our control and our greatest responsibility. Thanks for visiting our site.
– The ISMRT Safety Committee
The International Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (ISMRT), A Section of the ISMRM, is recognized by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) as a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM).
The ISMRM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.