October Cover Art

7 Tesla 22-channel wrap-around coil array for cervical spinal cord and brainstem imaging, by Bei Zhang, Alan C. Seifert, Joo-won Kim, Joseph Borrello and Junqian Xu

October Editor’s Picks

ADC Quantification of the Vertebral Bone Marrow Water Component: Removing the Confounding Effect of Residual Fat, by Michael Dieckmeyer, Stefan Ruschke, Holger Eggers, Hendrik Kooijman, Ernst J. Rummeny, Jan S. Kirschke, Thomas Baum and Dimitrios C. Karampinos


Gradient and shim pre-emphasis by inversion of a linear time-invariant system model, by S. Johanna Vannesjo, Yolanda Duerst, Laetitia Vionnet, Benjamin E. Dietrich, Matteo Pavan, Simon Gross, Christoph Barmet and Klaas P. Pruessmann

Audioslides: coming soon!

Audioslides for Last Month’s Editor’s Picks

Autocalibrated wave-CAIPI reconstruction; Joint optimization of k-space trajectory and parallel imaging reconstruction, by Stephen F. Cauley, Kawin Setsompop, Berkin Bilgic, Himanshu Bhat, Borjan Gagoski and Lawrence L. Wald


Quantification of oxygen metabolic rates in Human brain with dynamic 17O MRI: Profile likelihood analysis, by Dmitry                 Kurzhunov, Robert Borowiak, Helge Hass, Philipp Wagner, Axel Joachim Krafft, Jens Timmer and Michael Bock


Virtual Issue on Musculoskeletal MR Imaging

Virtual Issues of Magn Reson Med are retrospectively-assembled Tables of Contents with links to previously-published Magn Reson Med articles.

Drs. Jiang Du (University of California, San Diego), Xiaojuan Li (University of California, San Francisco), and Prof. Yang Xia (Oakland University) have assembled our latest Virtual Issue on the topic on Musculoskeletal MR Imaging. This issue features selected MRM papers published on the topic. It is available at:


 This virtual issue coincides with the upcoming ISMRM Workshop on “Advanced Musculoskeletal MRI: Arthritis & Beyond” scheduled for 15-17 September 2017 in Hangzhou, China.

Virtual Issue on Cardiac Function

Drs. Leon Axel and Teodora Chitiboi of New York University Medical Center have assembled a new Virtual Issue on the topic on Cardiac Function. This issue features selected Magn Reson Med papers published on the topic. It is available at:


This virtual issue coincides with the upcoming ISMRM Workshop on “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cardiac Function,” which was held August 17-20 in New York City, NY, USA.  The workshop will cover the latest advances in the development and application of MRI in the evaluation of cardiac function, from emerging techniques to translation into clinical practice.

Expanded page count for 2017

Due to the increasing number of high-quality submissions, we are increasing our number of published pages, starting with this January issue. We plan to print over 4500 pages in 2017, which will be an all-time record high for our journal.

Mobile Apps

Apps are available for both Apple and Android devices. To download the appropriate app, please search for words like “Wiley” and “MRM” at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Now accepting YIA submissions for the 2018 ISMRM Annual Meeting in Paris

Our ManuscriptCentral/ScholarOne site is now open for manuscript submissions in conjunction with the 2018 I.I. Rabi Award until the submission deadline of 13 September 2017.

For more information about the YIA competition, please visit: https://www.ismrm.org/YIA/

OnlineOpen 25% Discount for ISMRM Members

Magn Reson Med is very pleased to continue to offer its standard publication option: No page charges, including color pages in print.

Some authors, institutions, or funding agencies however, prefer or require papers to be freely and immediately available for download by anyone, regardless of their subscription status, i.e., Open Access. For those authors, Wiley offers an author-paid publication option called OnlineOpen. This option is only available for accepted papers, so if an author makes this choice it has absolutely no bearing on the peer-review process or any editorial decision.

We are pleased that our publisher is offering ISMRM Members a 25% discount on OnlineOpen fees for their Magn Reson Med papers. The author applying for the discount must be a current ISMRM Member. More information is available by clicking on the OnlineOpen link on the Magn Reson Med homepage.

Full Issue PDFs

Full Issue PDFs are now available for download.  Please follow the link available at the journal home page:

You will be prompted for your ISMRM login information.

Matt A. Bernstein

Editor, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT)
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