SMRT 18th Annual Meeting 
18-19 April 2009
Honolulu, Hawaii

Last Updated 11 March 2009

  Clinical Posters 1 - 27
1 Recommended Approach in the Evaluation of Clinically Suspected Interdigital Neuralgia Using MRI
Christian Bjørnebye
2 A Review of Vascular Specific Low Dose Contrast Media on Diagnosis of Disease
Maria Boyd
3 The Side-effects of the MRI Contrast Agents After Intravenous Administration
Soon Sup Cho
4 MRI and Intra-cranial EEG
Bronte Dawson
5 Fat and Water Separation Using Variable Projection (VARPRO) for Fatty Infiltration in the Myocardium
Charles Fasanati
6 What is MRgFUS?
Avishai Goldblatt
7 MR Angiography of Renal Arteries using SSFP Dixon Method
Hina Jaggi
8 DCE Prostate Imaging and Biopsy at 1.0T Using a Solenoid Coil
Bernadette Kaufman
9 Problem Solving of MR Solid Adnexal Mass - Ten Top Tips for MR Technologists
Fiona Lang
11 Effective Usage oif BLADE: The Basic Study About the Motion Timing and the Scan Parameters
Toshi Matsushita
12 T2-Weighted Image After Administration of Gd-EOB-DTPA
Toshi Matsushita
13 Problem Solving in Breast MRI
Caron Murray
14 Slow Flow Artifact Mimicking Caudal Vena Caval Thrombosis on MRI
John Posh
15 Let´s TWIST Again: Temporal and Spatial High-Resolution 3D MR-Angiography of the Hand
Anton Quinsten
16 CVMR in Comparison to Echocardiography for the Stroke Patient
Randall Ramsay
17 MRI Enterography
Bernice Reznick
18 The Role of MRI in the Assessment of Aortic Coarctation
Robyn Riley
19 Using NOVA (Non-invasive Optimal Vascular Analysis) to Manage Post CEA and CAS Patients
Susan Ryan
20 A Study of the Usefulness of Fiber Tractography of Spinal Cord Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Jae Gu Seong
21 Fetal MR Imaging: Other Than HASTE
Martin Sherriff
22 Comparison of T1-Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3-Dimensional Sequences with 2-Dimensional Sequences
Ian Simcock
23 Intra-Operative MRI- Fundamentals and Safety 1.5 Tesla
Joseph Stec
24 3T MRI of Female Pelvis Using a Dielectric Pad and B1 Inhomogeneity Filter
Catriona Todd
25 MR Neuroimgaing of Neonates Using an MR Compatible Incubator: A Technologist Perspective
Ruth Weiss
26 MR Renal Angiography - Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Verses Non-Contrast Inhance
Steven Williams
27 Creating a Child-friendly Environment for Pediatric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Examination: A Pilot Project
Shufen Zheng
  Research Posters 28-72
30 MRI on a Baby Pig: How Does Delineation and Contrast Change After Death? A Pilot Project
Anne Dorte Blankholm
31 A Novel Dark Blood Delayed Enhanced Imaging Technique for Assessment of Myocardial Scar: Initial Clinical Evaluation
Maria Carr
32 The Effect of the Number of Tracked Fiber on the Variation of EPI Factor, Diffusion Sensitization Gradient and Acquisition Voxel Size in Cervical Spine Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Seong Bong Cho
33 Assessment of PML Lesions and Normal Appearing White Matter MR Signal Changes as a Function of Time After Fixation in a Postmortem Brain
Ellen Condon
34 Use of ACR TRIAD® Image Transmission Software in ACRIN Multicenter MRI Clinical Trials
Lisa Desiderio
35 Improved SNR through Flexibility - Evolution of Our Supine Breast Coil
Ruby Endre
36 Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imagaing: Quantitative Measurements of Intracranial CSF Flow in Patients with PostTraumatic Communicative Hydrocefalus and in Normal Subjects
Liudmila Fadeeva
37 Feasibility of Small Rodent Imaging Using Clinical 3.0T MRI System
Sheryl Foster
38 Implementation of Optimized MR Spectroscopy at 1.5T and 3T in a Clinical Setting
Cindy Frentz
39 Comparison of the Muscle BOLD Effect at 1.5 Tesla and 3 Tesla
Tanja Haas
40 Errors in Voxel Based Morphometry Using Thick Slice 3D FSPGR-IR Prepared Sequence with Zero-Filled Interpolation
Eugen Hlasny
41 Breast Tumour Characterisation with the Combined Use of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and Dyanmic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI
Sally Hunter
42 The Added Value of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in the Evaluation of Primary and Recurrent Gynaecological Malignancies
Ilse Joubert Brad
43 High Resolution Spinal Cord Imaging at 3T: Visualization of the Spine Central Canal?
Chung Kan
44 Using 3T Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging to Aid in the Characterization of Brain Tumor
Chung Hwan Kang
45 Effect of Parameters Variation on Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Acute Stroke at 3 Tesla
Heon Joon Kim
46 Evaluation of Prostate Profusion - Integration of a PC Based Quantification Software into Clinical Routine
Katrin Koziel
47 MR Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) and Perfusion Weighted Imaging (PWI) of Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Zahid Latif
48 Osteoarthritis Initiative MR Quality Assurance Methods and Results
Larry Martin
49 Non-Contrast MRA for Uterine Artery Using Inhance Inflow IR with 3D FRFSE and 3D SSFP
Satomi Matsui
50 Comparison of 3DTOF Images Obtained with a Standard Transmit/Receive Brain Coil and Receive-only 16 and 8 Channel Brain Array Coils
Marcela Montequin
51 T1 Mapping of the Cervical Spinal Cord at 3.0T Using a Dedicated 16-Channel Spine Array and an Optimized SPGR Sequence
Marcela Montequin
52 Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Breast
Caron Murray
53 MPRAGE Signal to Noise and Contrast to Noise Comparison at 1.5T: 8 Channel Coil, Birdcage Coil, and ASSET
Sahra Omar
54 Whole Brain N-Acetyl Aspartate Quantification: Global Neuronal Health Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease
Nissa Perry
55 Results after MR-Guided Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy with Two Different Breast Biopsy Systems
Anton Quinsten
56 FDG-PET/CT-Mammography as a Reasonable Adjunct to MR Mammography
Anton Quinsten
57 MR Imaging at 7.0T of Ankles After a Marathon - A Comparison to 1.5T
Anton Quinsten
58 MR-Guided Cryoablation at 1.5T - Preliminary Results
Brandy Reed
59 MRI and MRS Simulation of the Brain in Radiation Oncology
Theresa Richardson
60 True Independent Shimming for Bilateral Breast MRI
Sandra Rodriguez
61 TE Dependence of Susceptibility Weighted MRI Venography at 3T and 7T
Paula Rowser
62 Whole Body MRI for Evaluation of Breast Cancer Metastases
Krista Runge
63 Evaluation of Oxygen-Enhanced MR Ventilation Imaging with Controlled Blood-Oxygen Level
Kitamura Shigemi
64 Visualization of Carotid Artery Using Inhance Inflow IR with 3D FRFSE
Ayako Shimazaki
65 Are the MR Systems Individuals? An in vivo Study of Phase Contrast Velocity Measurements Performed on Five Different MR Systems
Pär-Arne Svensson
66 Rapid T1 Measurement Using Fast Imaging
Noriyuki Tawara
67 Perfusion MRI Compared with Histopathology in Different Types of Gliomas
Henrik Thomsen
68 First Experiences of an MRI-compatible Pre-clinical PET System
Jon Totman
69 Comparing Symptoms Induced by Exposure to 1.5T vs. 3.0T Static Magnetic Fields: A Technologist's Perspective
Linh Tran
70 Calculation of Contrast Agent Dose for MRA in Patients with a BMI ≥ 25 Using Normal Average Weight Corresponding to the Patient's Length: A Feasibility Study
Raschel van Luijk-Snoeks
71 Multi-Contrast Delayed Enhancement: Accuracy and Application
Rhonda Walcarius
72 High Resolution Functional and Structural Monkey Brain Imaging Using an 8-Channel Phased Array RF Coil
Charles Zhu