SMRT 22nd Annual Meeting ~ 20-21 April 2013
“Changing the World through MR Education and Innovation”

2012 - 2013 SMRT Program Committee

Chair: Barry Southers
Glenn Cahoon
Muriel Cockburn
Cindy Comeau
Rosemary Fisher
Cindy Hipps
Kendra Huber
Nanette Keck
Ben Kennedy
Vera Kimbrell
Carol Lee
Kirsten Moffat
Nina Salman
Ashok Saraswat
Anne Marie Sawyer
Rhonda Walcarius

2012 – 2013 SMRT Education Committee

Chair: Rosemary Fisher
Glenn Cahoon
Muriel Cockburn
Cindy Comeau
Melonee Elrod
Sheryl Foster
Amanda Golsch
Vera Kimbrell
Adam Stevens
John Totman
Rhonda Walcarius
Beth Winningham
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