Poster # |
Author & Title |
8 |
Andre, Beatrice
Changes in T1 and T2 Relaxation Time used to Determine Treatment Management of Breast Tumors |
9 |
Blankholm, Anne Dorte
A Comparison of Non-contrast Enhanced Renal Magnetic Resonance Angiography to CT Angiography and the Effect of Enhanced Spatial Resolution |
10 |
Bormann, Karl
Webcam-based Utilization of Clinical MR Systems for Scientific Research |
5 |
Croll, Jennifer - 2nd Clinical Poster Award Winner
2D Cine Phase-Contrast MR Imaging: Considerations in Clinical Applications |
11 |
DePena, Yesenia
Screening for Breast Implant Rupture using 3D CUBE |
12 |
Detzler, Garry
Prostate Luminal Water Imaging using 3D GRASE with Inner Volume Selection |
13 |
Dong, Xin
Reliability Testing of Inbuilt SNR Indicator on a Clinical MRI System |
6 |
Epperson, Kevin - 3rd Clinical Poster Award Winner
Simultaneous Imaging of Both Knees with Two Separate Knee Coils |
14 |
Garance, Arbeaumont Trocmé
Cranio-Spinal Flow Quantification in MRI |
Oral |
Glarin, Rebecca - President’s Award Winner
MREYE - Are You Winking At Me? |
15 |
Goh, Li Ping
Best Practice in Preparing Patients with MRI Conditional Cardiac-Implantable Electronic Devices (CIED) Undergoing MRI Scans |
1 |
Gray, Erin - 1st Research Poster Award Winner
The Value of High Performance Gradients in a Neuro MR Practice |
16 |
Haas-Grabowski, Tanja
Optimized Cardiac Imaging with Active Devices: A Comparison of 8 Commercial Stimulators |
17 |
Haislund, Margit
Hygiene Precautions for In-Bore MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy |
18 |
Hansen, Tina
The Impact of Hydration Recommendations Prior to Cardiac MRI (SNR-Measurements) |
19 |
Hashimi, Sara
The Rise of Cardiac PET-MR Perfusion Imaging for Evaluating Prognosis in Patients with CAD |
20 |
Horn, Jessica
Breast Cancer Screening: Mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
21 |
Ishimori, Yoshiyuki
A Novel Phantom Design for Quality Control of MRI Slice Thickness |
22 |
Jackson, Kimberly
PET/MR Imaging of Patients with Alzheimer's using F18-AV45 |
23 |
Kan, Cycilia
Clinical Application of Reduced Field-of-View Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Cervical Cord Infarction |
24 |
Kappert, Peter
Post-OK Control MRI of a DBS Patient |
25 |
Kato, Hiroshi
High Resolution Imaging of the Bilateral Hands in a Small Field of View without Oversampling |
Oral |
Kennedy, Ben - 3rd Research Proffered Paper Award Winner
Clinical Advantages Using Black Blood 3D T1 Gadolinium Enhanced Imaging in the Brain for Metastatic Tumour Spread |
26 |
Kohls, Gail
Advanced Carotid Plaque Imaging for Technologists |
27 |
Kyotani, Katsusuke
Local Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity Correction Pad; Utility for Improvement of B0 Inhomogeneity on MR System as Compared with FeCl and MnCl |
28 |
Latif, Zahid
Reproducibility and Consistency in Longitudinal MR Studies using MT Ratio |
2 |
Liao, Huijun "Vicky" - 2nd Research Poster Award Winner
Optimized Tumor Volume for 2HG Detection using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
29 |
Maishi, Patricia
Comparison of Chemical-Shift Imaging (CSI) and Single-Voxel Spectroscopy (SVS): A Review |
30 |
Maze, Sharmeen
fMRI of Large Left AVM: A Case Study |
Oral |
Meissner, Rachelle - 2nd Clinical Proffered Paper Award Winner
The Expanding Role of MRI in Brachytherapy Planning |
31 |
Moore, Laura
Brachial Plexus Injuries during Birth |
32 |
Morales, Gabriel
Evaluation of Meso-Rex Bypass with Ferumoxytol Contrast Enhanced MRI |
Oral |
Na, Sara - 2nd Research Proffered Paper Award Winner
Dynamic MR Imaging of Temporomandibular Joint: Optimal TR and Flip Angle to Maximize Contrast with True FISP Real Time Cine at 3.0T |
33 |
Negi, Pradeep
Multiparametric Evaluation of Prostate Cancer using Simultaneous PSMA PET/MRI |
34 |
Negus, Kate
MRI Conditional Pacemakers and ICDs-Establishing a MRI Scan Service for Patients in a Public Hospital in Australia |
Oral |
Op't Hof, Ingrid - 1st Research Proffered Paper Award Winner
Examining the Effects of SMS and GRAPPA Acceleration on Resting State fMRI Signal Quality |
35 |
Palacio, Karina
Evaluation of Breast Tumors with Combined Ultrafast and Steady State Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using DISCO |
3 |
Pelkola, Kristina - 3rd Research Poster Award Winner
MRI Motion Tracking Sensors: A Survey of Pediatric Patients and Parents or Guardians Satisfaction during a Brain MRI Exam |
36 |
Posh, John
Can Data Modeling be used as a Metric of MRI Safety? |
37 |
Ravanfar, Vahid
Pelvic Imaging Optimization on a Simultaneous PET/MR Scanner |
38 |
Reitan, Edmund
Reducing the Specific Absorption Rate by Lowering the Refocusing Flip-Angle: Impact on Signal-to-Noise Rate and Contrast-to-Noise Rate on T2-Weighted Turbo Spin-Echo of the Brain at 3T |
Oral |
Samuels, Petronella - 1st Clinical Proffered Paper Award Winner
Improving MR Spectroscopy in the Liver with a Small Number of Averages by Accurate Voxel Placement |
39 |
Sanches, Liana
Factors for a Successful Recruitment in MR Based Research Protocols: Looking Back in 12 Years' Experience |
40 |
Sanches, Liana
Differences in White Matter are Modulated by Formal Education Years: A Population Based Study with Diffusion-Weighted Image |
41 |
Saitoh, Takaaki
New Attempts to Improve Image Quality in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Head: Investigation using Versatile Eddy Current Correction Software |
42 |
Sato, Eisuke
Influencing Factors on the Sensitivity of a Magnetic Item Sensor in MRI |
4 |
Scully, Alicia - 1st Clinical Poster Award Winner
MRI-Guided Laser Ablation for the Treatment of Epilepsy |
43 |
Segers, Karina
Deaf Patient Referred for fMRI Examination - A Case Study |
44 |
Shin, Sangoo
On Studying of the Optimal TR (Time repetition) for Appropriate FLAIR (Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery) Image Quality in Emergent Cases |
45 |
Simic, Matea
A Five Step MR Safety Screening Procedure |
46 |
Simonsen, Helle
Claustrophobia - One of the Most Common Reasons for a Not Completed MRI Scan |
Oral |
Smith, Mark - 3rd Clinical Proffered Paper Award Winner
Free Breathing Motion Insensitive T1-weighted MR Enterography using a Golden-Angle Radial Acquisition at 3 Tesla |
7 |
Takashima, Hiroyuki - JAK Award Winner
T2* Relaxation Time with Ultra-short TE Enables to Evaluate in Detail for Degeneration of Intervertebral Discs |
47 |
Tan, Ker Sin
Imaging of Loey Dietz Syndrome: How We Do It? |
48 |
Tan, Tee Meng
Caipirinha-DIXON-TWIST (CDT) VIBE Quadriphasic Arterial Liver Exam: Application & Optimisation |
49 |
Toni, Larowin
Performing a Bilateral Breast MRI Guided Biopsy on the Same Day |
50 |
Tsiotsios, Christos
Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Revolutionary Techniques for Fast and High-Quality Imaging |
51 |
Ueyama, Tsuyoshi
Influence of k-space Sampling Pattern on Macromolecular Proton Quantification by Cross-Relaxation Imaging using Compressed Sensing MRI: A Simulation Study |