Call for Abstracts
SMRT 26th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA
Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 November 2016, 23:59 US EST
Please Note: The submission deadline has passed. This page is now for reference only.
The Chairs of the SMRT Abstract and Program Committees are pleased to announce the “Call for Abstracts” for our 26th Annual Meeting SMRT to be held in Honolulu, Hawai’i on 22 – 24 April, 2017.
We warmly invite all practicing MR Technologists, Radiographers, or equivalent to share their work with their fellow professionals by submitting an abstract which may subsequently take the form of an oral or poster presentation. All abstract submissions must be original work that has not been previously presented or published. Scores will be awarded based on the quality of the submitted abstracts, and a total of seven abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations at the Annual Meeting.
The Proffered Papers and Poster Presentations continue to be an integral component of the SMRT Annual Meeting which highlights current and emerging technological advances and promotes the important and exciting work being done by our colleagues across the globe. This year the winning Poster Presentations will be made at the SMRT Annual Meeting evening Poster Reception on Friday 21 April, 2017. This Reception provides an excellent opportunity for networking in a relaxed atmosphere while viewing the work of fellow MR Professionals. All poster authors will be available to discuss their work and answer any questions. The awards for the prize-winning Proffered Papers and Posters will be presented at the meeting on Sunday, 23 April 2017.
Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions is Wednesday 16th November, 2016… so start writing today!!! The online application process includes a link to the required templates (clinical or research) for all abstract submissions.
We are looking forward to yet another year of record-breaking quality submissions highlighting the great work being done within our profession.