2017 SMRT Abstract Awards
Proffered Paper Award Recipients
President’s Award
Ben Kennedy, B.App.Sc., Mst (MRI)
Short T2 Nerve Imaging using Vascular and Background Tissue Suppression in the Brachial Plexus at 3T
Research Focus Awards
1st Place Research Focus Award: Ben Kennedy, B.App.Sc., Mst (MRI)
Pseudo Steady State (PSS) in 2D Fast spin Echo (FSE) Optimization for Image Resolution and Physiological Challenges and at 3T
2nd Place Research Focus Award: Lori Talagala, R.T. (R)(MR)
Effect of Multiband Acquisition on Temporal Signal to Noise Ratio (tSNR) at 3T
3rd Place Research Focus Award: Lisa Desiderio, A.A.R.T. (R)(MR)
Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Techniques at 3 Tesla and 7 Tesla for Detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) in IDH Mutant Gliomas
Clinical Focus Awards
1st Place Clinical Focus Award: Glenn Cahoon, M.App.Sc.
Developing a Protocol for Virtual Reality Preparation of Children Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2nd Place Clinical Focus Award: Michelle Aye Myat Myat Htun
A Practical Approach to RESOLVE DWI in 3T Breast MR Imaging
3rd Place Clinical Focus Award: Tanya Lynn Wah Kan, M.R.T. (MR)(R)
Simultaneous Bilateral MR Guided Breast Biopsies