By Kate Negus, B.Appl.Sc.,RMIT(MR), 2024 ISMRT AMPC Chair
I’m excited to be the Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair for the Singapore meeting to be held from 03-06 May, in conjunction with the ISMRM meeting, from 04-09 May 2024.
The ISMRM theme of Connecting the World of MR will be reflected in the ISMRT theme of Connecting MRI Technologists and Radiographers Beyond Borders with a varied program we are planning, to bring education to all radiographers and technologists in MRI wherever they are around the world and whether they have been doing MRI for 2 years or 20 years.
The committee aims to take what worked well in Toronto and improve on it. If you are based in the Asia/Pacific/Australia/New Zealand area as I am, we will have the opportunity to attend a world-class meeting close to home. If you are based further afield, you may be tempted by the balmy weather in Singapore, which is almost always 27°C!
We would love to see your research, so please prepare your abstracts; the deadline for submission is 08 November 2023. Hopefully you were able to attend the virtual meeting on how to prepare an abstract on the 16th of October.

Charlene Liew
I will be updating you with ISMRT program details like speakers and forums that may interest you over the next few months as details come to hand. Firstly, I would like to confirm our keynote speaker, Dr. Charlene Liew, FRCR, who will be lecturing on the topic of AI in radiology. Dr. Liew is a senior consultant radiologist and director of cardiothoracic imaging at the department of diagnostic radiology at Changi General Hospital in Singapore. She has been instrumental in building the AI infrastructure for Singapore’s public healthcare, founding and chairing the committee for a national project called AimSG, which is a platform to develop and deploy AI in medical imaging for public healthcare in Singapore.
I look forward to working with my Vice Chair Petronella Samuels, along with ISMRM Program Chair Brian Hargreaves and Vice Chair Kei Yamada, on a joint forum topic that will entice all in the MRI field to attend. Please watch this space, it’s going to be a great meeting.
Kate Negus
2024 Annual Meeting Program Chair
International Society for MR Radiographers and Technologists (ISMRT)