By Brandy J. Reed, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(MR), 2024-2025 ISMRT President

In 2006, a significant career move brought me across the country to MD Anderson, a transition that ignited my passion for MRI and set me on a path toward leadership within the International Society for MR Radiographers and Technologists (ISMRT). Despite having worked as a technologist for many years, I had never heard of ISMRT or even understood what an abstract was. My supervisor at MD Anderson saw my enthusiasm for MRI and encouraged me to write an abstract on our research projects. I had no idea what an abstract entailed at the time, but I dove in with excitement. To my surprise, that first abstract won a proffered paper award, I was so excited!

As I continued to write abstracts and attend ISMRT conferences, I noticed the strong bonds among the members, signified by the ribbons they wore. The camaraderie and shared passion drew me in, and I knew I wanted to be part of this incredible community, I wanted to join “their club.” Being a member of a study group or committee wasn’t a secret club but an opportunity for growth and knowledge. After years of active participation, and not just a meeting attendee, that led to my nomination to the Governing Board (then known as the Policy Board). This opened doors to travel and connections with like-minded friends and professionals worldwide that can answer your MRI questions.

Looking back, I never envisioned myself as President of ISMRT, but I am immensely grateful that my colleagues saw potential in me and trusted me with this leadership role. The experiences I’ve had with ISMRT are truly heartwarming, and the connections I’ve made are invaluable. Leading this society is an honor, and I am excited to continue fostering the growth and development of our community.

I look forward to expanding our society and growing our membership worldwide. While we are based in the USA, I am committed to seeing our Divisions and Chapters become more active in their local communities, raising the standard for MRI technologists. Internationally, I am excited to witness our growth in regions like Africa, India, Japan, and other countries where our presence has historically been limited.

One of my primary goals is to support the education of MR radiographers and technologists globally. We need to tailor our educational offerings to meet the specific needs of different regions and make them accessible to all. Not everyone can attend the annual meeting, so we must establish and support new chapters and divisions that can host local events. Additionally, incorporating virtual components into our meetings and workshops will allow more members to benefit from the knowledge shared by others.

I also wish to create a sustainable position for Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). While I am still exploring what this looks like, sponsorships could play a crucial role in achieving our goal of providing global education. Additionally, I would like to see a flexible membership payment plan and allow people to join at any time of the year, making it easier for everyone to be part of ISMRT.

I am excited for this opportunity and challenge in my career, focusing my presidency on expanding our global presence, enhancing education and safety standards, and promoting collaboration within the MRI community. By addressing these challenges and leveraging opportunities, we can ensure ISMRT remains a global leader in MR education and MRI safety. The journey from passion to leadership has been incredibly rewarding, and I look forward to the exciting future ahead for ISMRT.

Brandy J. Reed, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(MR)
2024-2025 ISMRT President