By Petronella Samuels, MSc., BTech., Nat.Dip.Rad (Diag), 2024-2025 ISMRT AMPC Chair

Aloha, colleagues and friends!

I am honoured to have been elected Chair of the AMPC for the 2025 meeting in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. For those who don’t know me, I reside in the breathtaking city of Cape Town, South Africa. With its stunning landscapes such as the iconic Table Mountain, and vibrant culture, Cape Town is often hailed as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. South Africa has a rich diversity, boasting 12 official languages, of which I speak two and a half. However, the language we all have in common is the language of MRI.

My journey into the MRI field commenced at Groote Schuur Hospital in 2002. After dedicating many years to clinical practice, I transitioned to research, becoming the Head Research Radiographer at the Cape Universities Body Imaging Centre (CUBIC). This research facility focuses on conditions prevalent on the African continent.

My connection to the ISMRT community began in 2016 when I attended my first meeting in Singapore. I had never heard of ISMRT before, never written an abstract, and never attended, let alone presented at an international meeting. As the sole representative from South Africa, and possibly the entire African continent, it was a pivotal moment in my career. Over the years, I became actively involved in various committees and received several awards, including the President’s Award in 2022. This recognition led to my election to the Governing Board in 2022.

Enough about me! Let’s talk about our recent accomplishments and plans for Hawaiʻi.

Reflecting on Singapore 2024

We have just wrapped up an incredibly successful meeting in Singapore, with 283 attendees from across the globe. The event featured 15 scientific sessions, showcasing a diverse lineup of speakers from various countries. The enthusiasm, knowledge exchange, and innovations presented were truly inspiring. This success has set the bar very high for future gatherings, and we are eager to build on this momentum. If you have not had a chance, please take a moment and share your thoughts on Singapore using this link:

Looking Ahead to Hawaiʻi 2025

With Singapore fresh in our minds, we are already hard at work planning for our next meeting in the beautiful city of Honolulu, Hawaiʻi in 2025, themed: “Towards a Healthier Footprint“. I am privileged to lead a dedicated committee, devoted to delivering the best possible meeting experience for all attendees. Our goal is to cater to your needs and, most importantly, to create an impactful and memorable event.

Get Involved Early

As we begin this journey, I encourage you to start thinking about your contributions to Hawaiʻi 2025. It is never too early to start working on your abstracts. Whether you are developing new research ideas or refining existing ones, now is the time to discuss these with your colleagues and begin the writing process. The abstract submission window opens on 01 October 2024.

Support Along the Way

In the weeks to come, we will be reaching out to offer support with abstract submissions and any other aspects of your preparations. We aim to ensure that every participant has the resources and guidance needed to present their best work.

Together, we can make the 2025 meeting in Hawaiʻi an extraordinary event, fuelled by innovation, collaboration, and inspiration.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey together.

Petronella Samuels, MSc., BTech., Nat.Dip.Rad (Diag)
2024-2025 ISMRT AMPC Chair