2022 ISMRT Abstract Awards
Oral Presentation Award Recipients

View research-focused abstracts here  •  View clinical-focused abstracts here
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President’s Award

Petronella Samuels, M.Sc.

Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Differentiating Peripartum Cardiomyopathy from Pregnancy Unmasking of Underlying Cardiomyopathy

Clinical Focus
Oral Presentation Awards

1st Place Clinical Focus Award

Naotaka Kaminaga, B.Sc.

Reduction of Cervical Motion and ADC Inaccuracy by Use of Neck Fixation Device for DWIBS Imaging

2nd Place Clinical Focus Award

Ben Kennedy, M.Sc.

3D Cranial Nerve Imaging with Background Suppression at 3T

3rd Place Clinical Focus Award

Ben Kennedy, M.Sc.

Whole-Body DWI at 3T with Inline Geometric Distortion Correction and Broadband RF

Research Focus
Oral Presentation Awards

1st Place Research Focus Award

Larowin Toni, M.Sc.

A Conclusion on How Computer-Aided Localization of a Breast Lesion
Impact Breast MRI-Guided Biopsies When Compared with Manual
Localization Techniques

2nd Place Research Focus Award

Jennifer Wagner, B.Sc.

Chemical Shift Proton Density Fat Fraction Imaging: End-User Perspectives on Liver Fat Assessment

3rd Place Research Focus Award

Yonggui Yang, Sr.

Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat With Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL-IQ) for Evaluation of Early Bone Mass Changes in Senile Osteoporosis Patients