2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition

2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting

The Call for Abstracts is Now CLOSED

Abstract Submission Deadline:
09 November 2022 at 23:59 UTC
Your Local Time: 09 November at 23:59 (UTC)

The Chairs of the ISMRT Abstract and Program Committees are pleased to announce the “Call for Abstracts” for the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting, June 02-05 2023 in Toronto, Canada.

We warmly invite all practicing MR Technologists, Radiographers, or equivalent to share their work with their fellow professionals by submitting an abstract which may subsequently take the form of an oral or digital poster presentation. All abstract submissions must be original work that has not been previously presented or published. Scores will be awarded based on the quality of the submitted abstracts, and a total of seven abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations at the Annual Meeting. Members of the ISMRT Policy Board and Executive Board are not eligible for an award but are encouraged to submit their work. Authors of abstracts accepted for an oral presentation or digital poster award are required to register for the conference; presentations may be virtual or in-person. The Proffered Papers and Digital Poster Presentations continue to be an integral component of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting which highlights current and emerging technological advances and promotes the important and exciting work being done by our colleagues across the globe.

Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions is Wednesday, 09 November 2022, so start writing today! The online application process includes a link to the required templates (clinical or research) for all abstract submissions.

We are looking forward to yet another year of record-breaking quality submissions highlighting the great work being done within our profession.

Christian Montalba, B.Sc.
2023 ISMRT Abstract Chair
Huijun (Vicky) Liao, B.Sc., ARMRIT
2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair

Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract Submission Deadline:
09 November 2022 at 23:59 UTC
Your Local Time: 09 November at 23:59 (UTC)

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions will only be accepted from people practicing as MR Technologists, Radiographers or equivalent. A current CV/resume is required as part of the submission process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by the end of January 2023.

Abstract Withdrawal: Written requests for withdrawal of abstracts must be received by 28 February 2023 at the ISMRM/ISMRT office, 2300 Clayton Road, Suite 620, Concord, CA 94520, USA.

All copyrights to accepted abstracts become the property of the ISMRT. No proprietary information may be withheld by the authors.

Submission Steps

Please read through the ALL submission instructions listed below before preparing your abstract.

Step 1: Read the General Policies and Requirements for the submission of abstracts.
Step 2: Review the Abstract General Guidelines
Step 3: Read “A Guide to ISMRT’s Abstract Submission Process”
Step 4: Submit your abstract

Step 1 of 4: General Policies and Requirements

  • Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. The organizers will not be held responsible for abstract submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.
  • Submissions will only be accepted from people practicing as MR Technologists, Radiographers or equivalent. A current resume/CV is required as part of the submission process.
  • Abstracts must be the author’s own original work that has not been previously published or presented.
  • All abstracts must be submitted electronically. Paper abstracts will not be considered for review.
  • Abstracts must be submitted using MIRA. Authors are required to read the Abstract Format & Layout Guidelines carefully. The reviewing committee reserves the right to change the category of submission (Clinical Practice Focus or Research Focus) if deemed appropriate.

JAK Award Applicants

If you are applying for the John A Koveleski Award for Professional Development, submissions are only accepted from MRI students and radiographers/technologists employed as MR technologists that have been practicing in MRI for 3 years or less. Qualification will be determined by a resume/CV submitted by the author, as well as a signed and dated letter on institution letterhead by the institution manager or senior staff.

All authors are required to submit:

  • A resume/CV for student/employment confirmation
  • A signed and dated letter on institution letterhead by the institution manager or senior staff confirming your student status or equivalent.

Abstract Review Process:

All abstracts will be peer reviewed. Abstracts will be blind reviewed (reviewers will be blind to the author details and institution(s) of origin).

Abstracts will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  1. Clinical Practice Focus category
    • Clarity and organization of information
    • Background justification and purpose
    • Soundness of teaching point
    • Originality and importance of the topic to the profession
  2. Research Focus category
    • Clarity and organization of information
    • Background justification and purpose
    • Soundness of methods used (study design)
    • Originality and importance of the topic to the profession

Digital Poster “Teaser” Previews
The ISMRT has transitioned to a digital presentation format that replaces the traditional paper poster. In addition to the abstract submission all presentations will require a compilation of 3-5 slides that will be on display during the poster tour Friday evening.

Abstract Acceptance and Notification:

The seven (7) top scoring abstracts will be selected for oral presentation at the 2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting, and will receive a Proffered Paper Award. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via e-mail to the submitting author the end of January 2023. Authors of the remaining abstracts will be considered and reviewed for a digital poster presentation. If your abstract is accepted for presentation as a digital poster you will receive detailed instructions on requirements for digital poster submissions.

NOTE: Authors of abstracts accepted for oral or digital poster presentation MUST register and attend the meeting, either virtually or in person.

Proffered Paper Awards:

The ISMRT is offering Annual Meeting Stipends to the 2023 Annual Meeting. Please click the link for more information. Preference is given to those who have an accepted abstract. In addition, the ISMRM Research & Education Fund is supporting all ISMRT Proffered Paper Awards with a special grant!

Proffered Paper Awards are determined by abstract submission, NOT the oral presentation.

The President’s Award: Awarded to the most outstanding abstract submitted for oral presentation in either the Clinical Practice Focus or Research Focus categories. The honoree will receive an educational stipend to support the presentation of the award-winning abstract at the 2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting.

Proffered Paper Awards: 3 additional awards are presented to the next highest scoring abstracts in each category:

  • Oral Presentation – Research Focus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
  • Oral Presentation – Clinical Practice Focus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

Digital Poster Awards: Three awards are presented in each category:

  • Poster Presentation – Research Focus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
  • Poster Presentation – Clinical Practice Focus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

Authors of abstracts accepted for oral or digital poster presentation MUST register and attend the meeting. Authors submitting in the Oral Presentation format who are selected to receive a Proffered Paper Award are required to present their paper. All oral and digital poster presenters will receive detailed instructions and information pertaining to their presentation at the 2023 ISMRT Annual Meeting with their acceptance letters.

Step 2 of 4: Abstract Format & Layout Guidelines

Abstract Presentation Categories

There are two options for the focus of the submitted work:

  1. Clinical Practice Focus: This category is for the presentation of work which demonstrates an improvement in patient care or diagnosis through the application of existing MR techniques. This is an opportunity to share your innovative ideas with your colleagues. The category does not require a formal study to have been undertaken.
  2. Research Focus: This category is for the presentation of work which describes novel or innovative MRI investigations or developments which have been tested by standard research methodology, i.e. a hypothesis is tested, results are obtained and analyzed and a conclusion is drawn as to whether or not the hypothesis was correct.

Options for the presentation may include:

  • Describing a technique and its applications that you currently employ.
  • Presenting innovative ways to improve professional practice.
  • Undertaking a literature review to research a topic/technique that is new or uncommon for the purpose of presenting your colleagues with an overview of current practice or standard of care.
  • Conducting your own research into a new technique or application.

Abstract Elements

The purpose of the abstract is to define the precise subject of the presentation to an audience. The abstract title should be short, informative and contain the major key words. An abstract must contain sufficient information so that if published it would be a complete report independent of presentation. The text should not contain statements alluding to results or conclusions not presented within the text.

A properly submitted abstract will have the following suggested section titles:

Clinical Practice Focus

  • Background
  • Teaching Point
  • Summary or Conclusions
  • References

Research Focus

  • Background or Purpose
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • References

Step 3 of 4: Read “A Guide to ISMRT’s Abstract Submission Process”

ISMRT abstracts will be submitted using our HTML-based submission website. We strongly recommend you read our guide to this system, which has been updated & refreshed for 2023, especially if you’ve never submitted an abstract this way before.

Read the Guide Here

Step 4 of 4: Abstract Submission Site

The abstract submission site is now closed.

Your login will not work. Abstracts cannot be changed.

If you need to make changes to your author list, please wait until your abstract has been accepted (notifications are expected to be emailed by late January 2023) before requesting any changes. Author changes sent before acceptance will be ignored.