JULY 2013 � Vol. 2, Issue 3 |
New Position of SMRT Safety Officer is Announced |
everyone out there in MR land! The position continues to evolve and I have taken on the role as we explore the parameters. It�s exciting to participate in these forums and I�ve learned a lot about the complicated problems of MR Safety. Let me share just a few of the initiatives in which the SMRT has involvement. FDA Focus Groups: These large committees meet usually by teleconference and discuss topics ranging from the testing of implants and devices to product labeling and implementation. The SMRT now has several representatives who take part and bring the MR Technologist/Radiographer perspective to light in discussions. Joint Working Group Projects: MR equipment manufacturers, implant and device vendors, and the FDA have bi-yearly meetings during which task forces and subcommittees are formed. These groups work to solve or comment on issues that arise in the MR community. Two recent committees that I participated with were Positive System Identification and F:PO mode discussions. The PSID group is working to find the best method for identification of implants and devices. F:PO mode is a �safety limit� the magnet vendors are proposing to add to MR scanners. This �safe mode� would allow the scanning of certain devices labeled accordingly. This idea is a �work in progress� but is gaining momentum. Spatial
Gradients is the next project that is being
discussed. I will provide feedback as progress is
made. The SMRT is working to get more MR Safety and other educational material on our website to provide members with up to date data and continuing educational credits. Please visit our website frequently as well as the MR Technologist list serve and social media sites. Have a great and safe scanning day! |