Chris Kokkinos, 2015
Program Chair, welcomes attendees |
ISMRM Associate Executive
Director Kerry Crockett helped to keep events running
smoothly |

Attendees listen to the presentation at the poster reception
and walking tour |
Co-authors Olga Ioffina and Asma Naheed from Canada share
their work |

Vikneswary Batumalai is pleased to receive the JAK award for
her efforts |
The posters generated interest and discussion |
2015 SMRT Business
Meeting |
President Maureen Hood reflects on the
activities of 2014-2015 at the podium |
Past-President Maureen Hood passes the
gavel to President Barry Southers |
President Barry Southers offers the
Past-President plaque to Maureen Hood |
President Barry Southers addresses the
audience and fields questions |
2014–2015 SMRT Policy Board
Standing left to right:
Anne Sawyer, Amanda Hunt, Michael Schlenk, Heidi Berns, Julie Strandt-Peay,
Vanessa Orchard, Rhonda Walcarius,
Chris Kokkinos, Sheryl Foster and Megan Comer
Sitting left to right:
Raschel van Luijk-Snoeks, Vera Kimbrell, Ben Kennedy, Maureen Hood, Barry Southers, Jim Stuppino, Cindy Comeau and Kendra Huber |
2015–2016 SMRT Policy Board
Standing left to right:
Filip DeRidder, Jeff Jahn, Amanda Hunt, Heidi Berns, Julie Strandt-Peay, Vanessa Orchard, Rhonda Walcarius, Chris Kokkinos, Sheryl Foster and Megan Comer
Sitting left to right:
Shawna Farquharson, Vera Kimbrell, Anne Sawyer, Maureen Hood, Barry Southers, Jim Stuppino, Amanda Golsch and Kendra Huber |
Signals is a publication produced four times per calendar year by the
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine for the benefit of the SMRT membership and those individuals and organizations that support the educational programs and professional advancement of the SMRT and its members. The newsletter is the compilation of editor, Julie Strandt-Peay, BSM, RT (R)(MR) FSMRT, the leadership of the SMRT and the staff in the ISMRM Central Office with contributions from members and invited participants. |