Invited Speakers |
MSK Forum Moderator: Rhonda Walcarius, B.Sc.,
MRT(R)(MR) |
Hollis Potter, M.D. MRI of Sports Injuries |
Lynne Steinbach, M.D. MRI of the Shoulder for Technologists |
Marius van Meel BSc, R.T. (MR) Philips Diamond Sponsor Presentation: Scanning Patients with
MR Conditional Implants |
Garry E. Gold, M.D. MSK MRI Protocols |
Advances in Hardware & Software Forum Moderator:
Julie Strandt-Peay, BSM, RT(R)(MR), FSMRT |
Michael Noseworthy, Ph.D. Understanding MRI RF Coils Inside and Out |
Greg Brown, A.Dip.Rad.Tech. Understanding and Selecting MR Coils |
Michael Kean, R.T., FSMRT Neonatal MR Imaging: Expanding the Diversity of Imaging
Through Innovation |
Advanced MRI Techniques Forum Moderator: Anne Sawyer,
B.S., R.T.(R)(MR), FSMRT |
Pejman Ghanouni, M.D., Ph.D. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound within the MRI Suite |
Kendall O’Brien, B.A. MRI Guided Right Heart Catheterization |
John Totman, DCR (R), M.Sc.Ph.D. Comparisons and Contrasts Between PET/CT and PET/MRI |
Management and Education in MRI Moderator: Amanda
Golsch, MBA, R.T.(R)(MR) |
no photo |
Vera Kimbrell, BS RT(R)(MR)FSMRT How Can EMR Assist Technologists with MRI Safety? |
no photo |
Chris Kokkinos B.App.Sc.PgCert, MRI How to Improve Your Numbers Without Compromising Care |
no photo |
Barry Southers, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(MR) How to Get Students Engaged and Active in the Clinical Site |
How To Get a Better Body: Body Imaging Forum
Moderator: Jeff Jahn, BAS, R.T.(R)(MR) |
Anna Simeonov, M.Sc., R.T.(R)(MR) MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy |
Michael Kean, R.T., FSMRT Implementation of Whole Body MR into Routine Pediatric
Clinical Practice |
Richard Ehman, M.D. Magnetic Resonance Elastography |
Day 2 |
Imaging Methodology Forum Moderator: Amanda Hunt,
Dip.App.Sc.(MRT)(MRI) |
Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D. Methods of Imaging Near Metal Implants |
Julian Maclaren, Ph.D. Methods to Address Motion During Imaging |
Ben Kennedy, B.App.Sc., Mst(MRI) Imaging Nightmares: How To Solve Imaging Catastrophies |
Research and Veterinary Imaging Forum Moderator:
Amanda Golsch, MBA, R.T.(R)(MR) |
James Stuppino, B.S., R.T.(R)(MR) Large & Small Animal Imaging: The Basics of Room Set-Up and
Hardware |
no photo |
Rosherinna Rahmat Intraoperative MRI |
Students and New Techs Session Moderator: Vera
Kimbrell, B.S., R.T.(R)(MR), FSMRT |
Catherine Moran, Ph.D. MRI Physics for Technologists |
Hansel J. Otero, M.D. Pediatric Body MR Imaging: Challenges and Strategies for
Success |
Adrienne Campbell-Washburn, Ph.D. Image Quality |
Neuro Forum Moderator: Kendra Huber, B.S.,
R.T.(R)(M)(CT)(MR) |
Fernando Calamante, Ph.D. Measuring Cerebral Perfusion Using MRI |
Shawna Farquharson,ScMScPhDApp. Principles & Practical Applications of Diffusion Weighted
Imaging (DWI) |
Greg Brown, A.Dip.Rad.Tech. Gadolinium Deposition in Brain Tissues Post Contrast
Enhanced MRI Exams |
Breast Imaging Forum Moderator: Anne Sawyer, B.S.,
R.T.(R)(MR), FSMRT |
Elizabeth Sutton, M.D., C.M. MR Guided Breast Biopsy |
Catherine Moran, Ph.D. Advanced Acquisitions in Breast MRI |
Jamie Ho, MMagResonTech MR Imaging of Breast Implants |
Awards for proffered papers presented by Program
Chair, Amanda Golsch, MBA R.T.(R)(MR) |
Proffered Papers: Research Focus |
Karla Epperson, (R)(MR) President’s Award:
Reproducibility Technique to Successfully Implement Magnetic
Resonance Elastography of the Brain in Routine Clinical
Protocol |
Jun Seok Yang 1st Place Research Focus Award:
Correction of B0-Susceptibility Induced Distortion Using
Paraffin In Brain Diffusion Weighted Imaging |
no photo |
Jameen Arm, MMRT(R)(CT)(ARRT) 2nd Place Research Focus Award:
Audio-Visual (AV) Biofeedback Guided Breath Hold MRI
Improves Lung Tumour Inter-fraction Position Reproducibility |
Tanja Haas, R.T. 3rd Place Research Focus Award:
Pre-operative Planning of Breast Reconstruction with Deep
Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap: Potential of
Non-contrast Enhanced MRA |
Proffered Papers: Clinical Focus |
Ilse Patterson 1st Place Clinical Focus Award:
The Utility of Interactive MRI for Fetal and Neonatal
Imaging |
Ben Allen Kennedy,B.App.Sc.MstMRI 2nd Place Clinical Focus Award:
Optimized Acquisition of Ultra-High Diffusion Weighted
Imaging of the Prostate |
Soo Lee Linda Lim 3rd Place Clinical Focus Award:
MRI of Morton’s Neuroma – Mulder’s Compression Technique
Adapted to MRI For Improved Lesion Conspicuity |
John A. Koveleski Award for Professional Development |
Helle Simonsen receiving the John Koveleski
Award for Kelsey Wineland Comparison of Functional MRI Activation between Finger
Tapping and Motor Imagery Finger Tapping |
Poster Awards Research Focus |
Claire Mulcahy, M.MRT.,B.Appl.Sc. Improving Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) for
Clinical Applications |
Stevia Ng, B.SC. Optimization of BOundary NulleD (BOND) Imaging for
Delineation of Tissue Boundaries and Segmentation at 3T |
Boel Hansson, R.T. (R) (CT) (MR) Swedish National Survey on Health Effects on MR
Personnel-Preliminary Result |
Poster Awards Clinical Focus |
Ben KennedyB.App.Sc.,Mst (MRI) Optimization of Small Field of View Pelvic T2 Imaging
Combining Motion Correction and SENSE 1 |
Serena Shi Hui Teo MRI Coronary Arteries for Children-The Radiographers
Journal |
Su Liew, N.MR. Tech. Third Place Clinical Focus Award TWIST-VIBE-Time Resolved 3D T1 Volume with Dixon:
Applications Paediatric Abdominal Imaging |
Audience taking notes during the didactic session |
Poster Tour Gallery |
Former Policy Board Member Helle Simonsen (left) sharing
information with President-elect Titti Owman. |
Claire Mulcahy presenting her first place award poster. |
The audience is attentive to the presentation |
New information requires concentrating |
Education Committee Chair, Megan Cromer introduces the
next presenter |
Stevia Ng explains |
Boel Hansson discusses work done in Sweden |
Ben Kennedy addresses the group gathered at the poster
tour |
Serena Teo asks if the audience has questions about her
poster |
Su Liew illustrates new imaging techniques with her
poster |
Viewing the posters is an important activity during the
annual meeting |
Attendees are welcomed to the SMRT meeting |
Serena Hi Hui Teo and colleagues from Singapore |
Breaks are a great chance to share information and make
new connections |
Learning continues outside of the lecture hall |
Katsuhiro Kida shares his work of T1 mapping |
Suet Fung Leong shows safe imaging with implantable
devices |
ISMRM/SMRT Joint Forum |
Jeffrey C. Weinreb, M.D., FACR, FISMRM, FSCBT/MR
Moderated the 2016 Joint Forum- Update on MRI Contrast
Agents: Recent Controversies. Panel Discussions were
conducted in between the lectures. |
Sadhna Nandwana, M.D. presented: Current Update on
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis: To Screen or Not to Screen |
Greg C. Brown, A. Dip. Rad. Tech asked the question:
Gadolium Deposstion: Imaging Phenomenon or Should We Change
Our Practice? |
Mustafa Shadi Rifaat Bashir, M.D. Addressed Ferumoxytol:
Should we be Using it in Clinical Practice? |
SMRT Awards |
President Jim Stuppino (left) presents the Crues-Kressel
Award to Ben Kennedy |
Anne Sawyer (left) accepts the 201 Honorary Member award
for Jennifer Olson |
President Jim Stuppino (left) presents the Distinguished
Service Award to Vera Kimbrell |
President Jim Stuppino (left) presents the Fellow of the
Society Award to Glen Cahoon |
President Jim Stuppino (left) presents the Fellow of the
Society Award to Ben Kennedy |
President Jim Stuppino (left) presents the Fellow of the
Society Award to Kirsten Moffat |
President Jim Stuppino presents the Fellow of the
Society Award to Charles Stanley in absentia |
Other Views at the Meeting |
SMRT Policy Board, Left to Right: Megan Cromer, Chris
Kokkinos, Rhonda Walcarius, Heidi Berns, Dora G. Zeidler,
Jeff Jahn, Vera Kimbrell, Julie Strandt-Peay, Kendra Huber,
Martin J. Sherriff, Maureen Hood, Amanda Hunt, Titti Owman,
Jim Stuppino, Sheryl Foster, Katrin Koziel, Anne Marie
Sawyer, Shawna Farquharson, Kirsty Campbell, Amanda Golsch,
Vanessa Orchard, Filip De Ridder. |
President Jim Stuppino, left shares a lighter moment
with President-Elect Titti Owman |
Newly elected Policy Board members, Left to Right: Dora
G. Zeidler, Martin J. Sherriff, Katrin Koziel, Kirsty
Campbell |
Left to Right: Vanessa Orchard, Amanda Hunt and Maureen
Hood at the meeting in Singapore |