It is with great pleasure that I can finally announce the “GO LIVE”
of the SMRT’s
new website.
A special thank you to Kerry Crockett, MBA, CAE, CMP, DES our
Associate Executive Director for all the dedication and devotion her
and her staff have put into developing this long overdue and welcome
change. Last year at the annual meeting I announced the new name
change and logo design but in order to really get a true feel for
everything, a new website was very much needed. The new website is
much cleaner and easier to navigate. It will allow us to organize
all of our educational content into specific categories and by doing
so, we will now be able to allow non-members to purchase this
material and obtain CE Credit. Rhonda F. Walcarius, B.Sc. MRT (R)(MR) has served as Secretary of the SMRT for the past 2.5 years and her term will end in April 2017. She has done an amazing job in this extremely busy role and I would like to thank her for her many years of service. Wendy Strugnell, B.AppSc. (MIT), FSMRT who was elected by the board as our new Secretary will take office at the 26th Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Wendy has held many roles in the SMRT and is a Past President. She also won the Crues-Kressel Award in 2013 and was awarded Fellow of the Society in 2012. It is my pleasure to welcome Wendy and we all look forward to working closely with her again. For the first time in history, this year’s annual meeting in Honolulu, HI, will be available for three full days of CE Credits. A three-day registration will not only give registrants access to the meeting halls but also the ability to meet with vendors in the exhibit hall. The two-day meeting registration will still be available. I would like to personally thank the ISMRM Board, Program Committee and Education Committee for making these changes to accommodate educational material more specific to Radiographers and Technologists into their Monday Schedule. Last year about fifty percent of the registrants for the SMRT meeting stayed for the entire ISMRM meeting and because of your commitment, this allowed the SMRT the ability to start offering a three-day meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone in Hawai’i. This years MRI Safety week was a great success thanks to Vera Kimbrell and her committee and their efforts to develop a MRI Safety Week Checklist and daily MRI safety Videos. Thank you Mr. William Faulkner for your time and efforts to develop these for the SMRT. They were a big success. The SMRT Governance restructure has been through the test of our first quarter board meeting and has performed beyond expectations. All of the committees have been hard at work on their agendas. Membership, for example, has been hard at work developing a questionnaire in different languages to send to both members and non-members. The questionnaire is being used to help determine the reasons radiographers/technologists are or are not members of the SMRT. If by chance you receive one, please take a moment to complete it. I would like to end by thanking all the SMRT Committee Chairs and members, Executive Committee and Policy Board members for your continued support of me as President and for your dedication and devotion to the SMRT. Without the time and effort that these individuals devote to this organization, we could never have accomplished even half of what has been done in the past few years. Jim Stuppino |
Signals is a publication produced four times per calendar year by the
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine for the benefit of the SMRT membership and those individuals and organizations that support the educational programs and professional advancement of the SMRT and its members. The newsletter is the compilation of editor, Julie Strandt-Peay, BSM, RT (R)(MR) FSMRT, the leadership of the SMRT and the staff in the ISMRM Central Office with contributions from members and invited participants.