SMRT Signals • June 2017 • Vol.6 Issue 2
Shawna Farquharson, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. App. 2016-17 Program Committee Chair |
Megan Cromer,
Education Committee Chair |
Annual Meeting Recognition & Awards |
John A. Koveleski Award for Professional Development |
 Yuka Tanaka, B.Sc. (RT) T1 Mapping for Myocardial MRI Using T1-weighted Turbo Field Echo Sequence |
Research Focus |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
 Erin Gray, M.H.A., R.T. (R)(MR)
Brain MR Elastography: Imaging Tumor Stiffness |
 Liana G Sanches-Rocha, M.Sc. (MR)(R)
Difference in Myo-Inositol Concentration Detected by MR Spectroscopy in Dyslexic Boy’s Brains Compared with Control Group: Preliminary Results |
 Brandy Willis, M.B.A., R.T. (R)(MR)
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) in Patients with Breast Cancer |
Clinical Focus |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
 Anna Simeonov, M.Sc., R.T. (R)(MR)
The Role of Multi-Parametric MRI in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer |
 Nikola Ivanic, (MR)(R)(N)
Comparison of Gas Artifacts of Prostate MRI Between Patients with and without Enema Preparation |
 Pradeep Singh Negi, M.Sc.
Multiparametric Breast Cancer Imaging Using Simultaneous PET/MRI: A Feasibility Study |
 Attendees interact with poster presenters |
 Titti Owman begins her term as President |
 SMRT Policy Board at work |
 Top Row, Left to Right: Megan Cromer, Sheryl Foster, Julie Strandt Peay, Anne Sawyer, Rhonda Walcarius, Kirsty Campbel, Vera Kimbrell, Titti Owman, Chris Kokkinos, Heidi Berns, Kendra Huber, Boel Hansson Bottom Row, Left to Right: Jeff Jahn, Wendy Strugnell, Amanda Golsch, Dora Zeidler, Martin Sherriff, Jim Stuppino, Barry Southers, Shawna Farquharson, Katrin Koziel, Filip DeRidder, Adam Scotson, Joe Joslin |
Crues Kressel Award |
Honorary Membership |
Fellow of the Society |
Fellow of the Society |
Fellow of the Society |
 Bobbie K. Burrow, RT(R)(CT)(MR), FSMRT The Crues Kressel Award is for Outstanding Contributions to the Education of Magnetic Resonance Technologists. |
 Cindy R. Comeau, B.S.,R.T.(N)(MR), FSMRT This award is given to recognize extraordinary achievement and an exceptional level of service and support for the Section and mission of the SMRT. |
 Joanne Ross Donovan, R.T., FSMRT This award is given in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT. |
 Helle Juhl Simonsen, M.R.T., FSMRT This award is given in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT. |
 G. Barry Southers, M.Ed., R.T. (R)(MR), FSMRT This award is given in recognition of significant and substantial contributions to the mission of the SMRT. |
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Signals is a publication produced by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine for the benefit of the SMRT membership and those individuals and organizations that support the educational programs and professional advancement of the SMRT and its members. The newsletter is the compilation of editor, Julie Strandt-Peay, BSM, RT (R)(MR) FSMRT, the leadership of the SMRT and the staff in the ISMRM Central Office with contributions from members and invited participants.
Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists A Section of the ISMRM 2300 Clayton Road, Suite 620 Concord, CA, 94520 USA |
Tel: +1 925-825-SMRT (7678) Fax: +1 510-841-2340 smrt@ismrm.org |