Call for Abstracts
SMRT ANZ 2017 Annual Meeting
International Convention Centre Sydney
Sydney, NSW, Australia
11-12 November 2017

2017 Abstract Submission Instructions
Format and Content
Abstract Deadline:
The deadline for receipt of abstract submissions for the SMRT ANZ Chapter 12th Annual Meeting is 08 September 2017. All abstracts must be submitted electronically. Paper abstracts will NOT be considered.
Important Note: Submissions will be accepted from MR Technologists and Radiographers ONLY. All submissions must be original work and not previously presented or published. All abstracts must be submitted using the format described below. Any abstract submitted on paper will not be considered for review.
For more information on how to write an abstract, click here.
Abstract Presentation Methods:
Abstracts submitted for the 12th Annual SMRT ANZ Chapter Meeting must be submitted with either a clinical, research or case-based focus. Abstracts will be accepted as either oral presentation or as hard-copy posters. Please indicate your preferred presentation format when submitting your abstract.
Abstract Format & Content:
- Use 10pt. type, using a standard font (i.e. Arial, Times, Times New Roman, Helvetica);
- Do not exceed one page in length (title, text and images all on one page);
- Set your page size at 21.5 cm wide x 28 cm. Please make your top margin at least 1.25 cm and a bottom margin of at least 1.25 cm, with right and left margins of at least 1.25 cm.
- Content: It should state the purpose of the research, outline the methods, summarize the results, and, finally, discuss the conclusion from the results.
- Please use the four sections requested and designate each by respectively heading the beginning of each: “Purpose,” “Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusion.”
Abstract Sample Format:
To assist you, we have provided a template in Word format. Just highlight and replace the title, authors and affiliations, and text with your own and submit it electronically via e-mail.
Clinical Practice Focus Template:
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
The submitted SMRT Abstract must be completed in its entirety or the submission will not be considered.
Abstract Assessment Criteria:
Abstracts will be scored by a panel using the following assessment criteria (in no particular order): Originality; Quality of Format; Clarity of Submission; Significance of Results; and Soundness of Conclusions. Each criterion is weighted equally in the overall score.
Authors selected to give an Oral Presentation are required to present their paper at the scheduled date and time. Oral presentations will be allocated a total of eight (8) minutes for the presentation, with two (2) minutes for questions.
Posters must be mounted on the designated poster boards, which will be placed in the break-out areas used for morning and afternoon teas, and lunch breaks. Posters must be in either a clinical, research or case-based format.