ISMRT’s MR Technologists Email Community

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The ISMRT MR Technologist Community is CLOSED.
The ISMRT manages an email-based discussion group for all members of the MR community called ISMRT MR Technologists Community
The purpose of this group is to foster open discussion of professional and scientific issues related to the field of MRI.
Membership in this group is through application. To be eligible for membership, you must work in a field related to MRI. Although the group is primarily intended for MR technologists/radiographers, other MR related health professionals and scientists can be members. The ISMRT is primarily a professional society. Our membership includes many health professionals and researchers. It also includes educators, trainers and other individuals who work with MR.
PLEASE NOTE: Postings in this group do not represent any official position or opinion of the ISMRT. We cannot make claims regarding the nature or appropriateness of the opinions offered by members on the group, or whether they are experienced, professionally licensed, certified or otherwise credentialed. Postings are not intended to either constitute or substitute for in-person, professional medical or clinical advice or consultation on general techniques or specific problems. People who want to utilize any form of MR or any of the methods discussed on the group for any purpose whatsoever should not rely on the information they attained from the group alone, but should qualify themselves by face-to-face interactive professional training and supervised experience.
This group is provided as a service to the MR community. All MR community members are welcomed (unless previously terminated) to the group. ISMRT monitors the community for inappropriate postings. Each member of the community is responsible for their own actions and postings on the group and must comply with the below stated Rules of User Conduct.
If you do not accept these guidelines, please unsubscribe from the group by following the directions at the bottom of any group message.
Rules of User Conduct:
- Messages posted to the ISMRT MR Technologist Community must be related to the issues and business of the ISMRT.
- Do not post:
- political messages that advocate a particular viewpoint, including links to articles and editorial pieces.
- advertisements of products or services unless such product or service is specifically sponsored by the ISMRT or otherwise approved by the ISMRT. This prohibition includes notices of continuing education (“CE”) or related programs sponsored by any entity other than the ISMRT.
- commercial messages, including, but not limited to, messages offering or seeking any kind of business relationship (including employment), soliciting contributions or soliciting membership or subscription to any resource not offered by the ISMRT.
- materials, such as newsletters and related content, generated by a company or other for-profit entity. Logos and tag lines used as part of a signature or otherwise included in an email posted to any ISMRT MR Technologist Community should be discrete and of a size, placement, and description as normally used by the sender and should not be disproportionately large.
- any message, data, information, text or other material (“Content”) that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, threatening, offensive, vulgar or otherwise injurious to third parties, or that would constitute or encourage a criminal offense, create any liability or violate any local, state, national, or international law or regulation. Users of the ISMRT MR Technologist Community may be held individually liable for any communications they send through the group.
- any content such as charity requests, petitions for signatures, other solicitations of group users, promotional materials, chain letters or letters relating to pyramid schemes, advertising or solicitations for funds, political campaigning, mass mailings, any form of unsolicited commercial or promotional email (spam) or an offering of any non-ISMRT goods, services, schemes or promotions.
- any harmful content including without limitation, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, zombies, cancel bots, or any other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, program, data or personal information.
- same or similar message to multiple ISMRT listservs or groups.
Community Etiquette:
- Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address.
- State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
- Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply. Delete any header information, and put your response before the original posting.
- Only send a message to the entire group when it contains information that benefits everyone.
- Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, too” to individuals–not to the entire group. Do this by using your e-mail application’s forwarding option and typing in or cutting and pasting in the e-mail address of the individual to whom you want to respond.
- Do not send administrative messages, such as “remove me from the group”, through the group. To unsubscribe from the group, follow the directions at the bottom of any group email message.
- Warn other group subscribers of lengthy messages either in the subject line or at the beginning of the message body with a line that says “Long Message.”
- When using an Auto Reply message for times you are out of the office, please be sure to “Create a Rule” (this is easily done with Microsoft Outlook’s Out of Office Assistant) that would prohibit sending the message to the group.
- If you are upset about a posting, please contact the ISMRT Chair of Publications and Communication as posted on the ISMRT committee directory.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Other Disclaimers
- All materials, information, products and services (“Material”) included in or available through this site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. ISMRT makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Material.
- Changes are periodically made to the group and may be made at any time. ISMRT accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted on this site by others.
- Your use of this site is solely at your own risk. ISMRT does not warrant that the group will operate error-free or that the group and its servers are free of computer viruses or other harmful goods. If your use of this group or the Material results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, ISMRT is not responsible for those costs. The Materials are provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind.
- ISMRT to the fullest extent of the law, disclaims all warranties, including the warranty or merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights and the warranty of fitness for particular purpose.
- ISMRT makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the Material, services, graphics and links or that any defects or errors will be corrected.
Limitation of Liability
- Under no circumstances shall ISMRT be liable for any lost profits, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or any other damages whatsoever resulting from the content of this group or the use of, or inability to use, this group.
- This limitation applies to any alleged liability based on any legal theory including, but not limited to, contract, tort, negligence, warranty or strict liability, even if ISMRT has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
- Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, ISMRT’s liability in such jurisdiction shall be limited to the extent permitted by law.
- ISMRT reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update or revise this page at any time. Notice of such changes will not be transmitted to anyone and will be located only here. Any revisions will become effective the first day immediately. If you post on the group after notice is received or if you fail to unsubscribe, then you will be deemed to have accepted the revised rules and are bound by them.
Right to Moderate Users
- ISMRT reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to moderate any user, with or without notice, for any reason including, but not limited to, your failure to abide by these terms and conditions of use.
Right to Terminate Access
- ISMRT monitors the group for inappropriate postings. If notified by a user of this group that misconduct or bias or other behavior not conducive to open discussion has occurred, whether on behalf of the ISMRT MR Technologist Community or of a member of the community, ISMRT may investigate the allegation and determine in its sole discretion whether to remove or request the removal of the member.
- ISMRT reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to this group, with or without notice, for any reason including, but not limited to, your failure to abide by these terms and conditions of use.
- Any group member who has been terminated may petition for reinstatement after a waiting period of 12 months. ISMRT shall have sole discretion as to whether reinstatement is permitted, provided no legal action, threatened or real, or other threats or coercion has been brought against ISMRT, the member has not presented himself falsely and he has not re-registered as a member other than himself.
- If you are currently subscribed to this group and do not wish to abide by the terms above, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions at the bottom of all group emails. You will be removed automatically.
- You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ISMRT, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of this group and/or Material or your breach of the terms of this Agreement. ISMRT shall provide notice to you promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding and shall assist you, at your expense, in defending any such claim, suit or proceeding.
Adopted 01 April 2015, updated 22 August 2019
The ISMRT MR Technologist Community is hosted by the International Society for MR Radiographers and Technologists (ISMRT), a Section of the ISMRM.
- To subscribe to the ISMRT MR Technologist Community, click “Apply to Join the ISMRT MR Technologist Community” below and complete the form on the next page.
- To change your email address or halt participation in this group, please contact:
- You can send a note to requesting that you receive messages in a Digest Mode format. This option combines up to 25 messages into a single email.
- ISMRT MR Technologist Community members can review the archives for previous and current posts. For more information about the archives click here.
For any specific questions or issues with the ISMRT MR Technologist Community, please contact Sally Moran, Director of IT & Web for ISMRM & ISMRT.
Come join the conversation in the ISMRT Social Hub!
The ISMRT MR Technologist Community is CLOSED.