ISMRM Workshop Series • 07-10 October 2018

ISMRM Workshop on
Advances in Multiscale Cancer Detection:
From Micro to Macro

Crowne Plaza Dublin - Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland


This workshop will cover the latest advances in MRI/MRS of cancer from the microscopic to the macroscopic spatial scales. It will feature invited scientific presentations from leaders in the field, proffered papers, poster sessions, cutting-edge sessions on new topics (e.g. big data applications, academic industry partnerships, and issues for young investigators), and the Bill Negendank Memorial Lecture on a special topic of relevance to the study group's membership. The Bill Negendank Young Investigator Awards, for which students, trainees, and post-doctoral fellows are eligible, will also be awarded based on the quality of the presented work.

Target Audience

The workshop is targeted toward basic scientists, physicians, and pharmaceutical companies using MRI/MRS in cancer; clinicians (oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, surgeons); radiographers and MR technologists; and students, trainees, and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in cancer MRI/MRS.

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Explain concepts on imaging cancer from microscopic to macroscopic spatial scales;
  • Demonstrate characterization of the tumor microenvironment with MRI/MRS and complementary modalities;
  • Name the state of the art in clinical cancer biomarker development and early cancer detection;
  • List novel imaging methods and contrast mechanisms for investigating cancer;
  • Identify the latest nanoparticles and probes for cancer MRI;
  • Describe "Cancer Systems Biology" approaches;
  • Recognize the role and challenges of using "Big Data" and AI in cancer diagnosis and research;
  • Define the role of molecular imaging in cancer research;
  • Define the role of complementary modalities such as PET imaging in cancer diagnosis;
  • Define the roles of industry-academic partnerships; and
  • Recognize the challenges facing today's junior investigators and develop means to navigate them.


The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.