Registration & Setup – Sunday, 21 July 2019 |
16:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available until 18:00 |
17:00 |
Opening Reception |
18:00-18:20 |
Informal Talk (Introduction by S. Velan) |
Patrick Cozzone, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
19:00 |
Adjourn |
Day 1 – Monday, 22 July 2019 |
07:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available
Breakfast on Own |
08:00 |
Logistics & Housekeeping |
Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Co-Chair)
Columbus, OH, USA
Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (Co-Chair)
Singapore |
Guest of Honor Welcome Address |
Frederick Chew, M.E., M.S.M.
Singapore |
08:35 |
Opening Remarks ⨯ Video Permission Withheld
Patrick Cozzone, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
Session 1: Diabetes & Insulin Resistance |
Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D. & Johan Gunnar Eriksson, M.D., Ph.D. |
08:45 |
Type 2 Diabetes in Asia: Is It Really Different? ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Tai E. Shyong, Ph.D., FRCP, MBChB
National University of Singapore
Singapore |
Ectopic Fat & Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Caucasian, African-American & Latino Youth: Effects of Sex, Race & Ethnicity |
Gabriel Shaibi, Ph.D.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, USA |
09:45 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 2: Recent Advances in Water-Fat MRI |
Moderators: Diego Hernando, Ph.D. & Charles McKenzie, Ph.D. |
State-of-the-Art Methods & Emerging Techniques for Quantitative MRI of Fat |
Holden Wu, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, USA |
MRI Quantification of the Fatty Acid Composition: Methods & Applications |
Pernilla Peterson, Ph.D.
Lund University
Malmö, Sweden |
Quantitative Biomarker Imaging & Analysis in NASH Clinical Trials (PDFF & MR Elastography) |
Michael S. Middleton, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA, USA |
12:00 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 3: Brown/Beige/Brite Adipose Tissue |
Moderators: Rosa Tamara Branca, Ph.D. & Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D. |
Brown & Browning Adipose Tissues: Metabolic Significance |
Barbara Cannon, Ph.D.
Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden |
Stem Cell Factors for Adipocyte Maturation & Browning |
Shigeki Sugii, Ph.D.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
BAT Detection by Non-MRI Methods ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Melvin Khee Shing Leow, MBBS, MMed, FAMS, FACE, FACP, FRCP
Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences
Singapore |
MR Detection of BAT: Opportunities & Limitations |
Rosa Tamara Branca, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC, USA |
15:30 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 4: Power Pitch & Poster Sessions |
Moderators: Dimitrios Karampinos, Ph.D. & Jürgen Machann, Ph.D. |
16:00 |
Power Pitch Session
Evaluation of Interscapular Brown Adipose Tissue & Skeletal Muscle IMCL in High-Fat-Diet-Fed Rodents with High-Intensity Exercise Intervention
⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Venkatesh Gopalan, Ph.D.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
Functional Evaluation of Brown Adipose Tissue in Aging Rodent Model by 3D Imaging
Rengaraj Anantharaj, Ph.D.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
Investigation of Metabolic Markers of Brown Adipose Tissue by High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Spectroscopy (HR-MAS)
⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Jadegoud Yaligar, Ph.D.
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
Singapore |
Characterization of Brown Adipose Tissue Activity Using Quantitative Multiparametric MRI
Chuanli Cheng, Ph.D.
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenzhen, China |
Brown Adipose Tissue Is Associated with Lower Liver Fat in Healthy Asian Children
Mya Thway Tint, Ph.D.
National University of Singapore
Singapore |
Challenges of Identifying Human Fetal Brown Adipose Tissue Using MRI
Stephanie A. Giza, B.Sc.
Western University
London, ON, Canada |
Measuring Liver T1 in the Presence of Glycogen & Hydration
Ferenc Mozes, M.Sc.
University of Oxford
Oxford, England, UK |
Multiparametric MRI as a Composite Biomarker for NASH & NASH with Fibrosis
Andrea Dennis, Ph.D.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Automated Analysis of Liver R2* Maps Using Artificial Intelligence
Alexandre Triay Bagur, M.Sc.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Comparison Between Improved Histological Fat Quantification Using Machine Learning & MRI for Assessment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Benjamin Irving, Ph.D.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Accurately Classifies Liver Injury in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Filza Aslam, Ph.D.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Mexican Paediatric Population Diagnosed Non-Invasively by Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Helena Thomaides-Brears, Ph.D.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Use of MRI to Describe the Relationship Between Fatty Pancreas, Body Fat & the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome & Insulin Resistance in Obese Chinese Adolescents with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Chileka Chiyanika, M.Sc., PgD
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong, China |
Prevalence of Fatty Liver Disease & the Association with Cardiac Remodeling in Healthy Singaporeans
⨯ Did Not Attend |
Desiree-Faye Toh, M.Sc.
National Heart Centre Singapore
Singapore |
16:45 |
Poster Session |
18:00 |
Group Photo |
18:30 |
Siemens Healthineers-Hosted Dinner & Presentation |
Day 2 – Tuesday, 23 July 2019 |
07:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available
Breakfast on Own |
07:50 |
Housekeeping & Announcements |
Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D.
Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D. |
Imaging Zinc Secretion from the Pancreas & Prostate Using Responsive MRI Contrast Agents (Introduction by P. Cozzone) ⨯ Did Not Attend |
A. Dean Sherry, Ph.D.
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX, USA |
Session 5: Muscle & Adipose Tissue |
Moderators: Dimitrios Karampinos, Ph.D. & Holden Wu, Ph.D. |
Quantitative Fat Imaging in Neuromuscular Disease: Methods & Applications |
Hermien Kan, Ph.D.
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands |
MRS of Intramuscular Lipids: How to & Why |
Chris Boesch, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland |
MR-Based Phenotyping in Metabolic Research Studies: Impact of Whole-Body Adipose (& Lean) Tissue Distribution & Ectopic Lipids |
Jürgen Machann, Ph.D.
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany |
10:15 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 6: Imaging Fat in Fetus, Neonates & Children |
Moderators: Charles McKenzie, Ph.D. & Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D. |
MRI of Fat & Metabolism in Pregnancy & Beyond |
Charles McKenzie, Ph.D.
University of Western Ontario
London, ON, Canada |
MRI of the Mechanisms of Fetal Development |
Penny Gowland, Ph.D.
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, England, UK |
Developmental Determinants of Childhood Adiposity & Body Fat Partitioning ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Yung Seng Lee, MBBS, MMed, Ph.D., MRCP, FRCPCH, FAMS
National University of Singapore
Singapore |
12:00 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 7: MR Elastography (Obesity, Liver & Beyond) |
Moderators: Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D. & Takeshi Yokoo, M.D., Ph.D. |
13:30 |
Role of MR Elastography in Obesity Era ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Claude Sirlin, M.D.
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA, USA |
MR Elastography: The Cutting Edge & Remaining Technical Challenges |
Meng Yin, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN, USA |
The Elastography Battle: MRI vs. Ultrasound |
Takeshi Yokoo, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX, USA |
15:00 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 8: Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
Moderators: Rosa Tamara Branca, Ph.D. & Jürgen Machann, Ph.D. |
Accelerated Volumetric Free-Breathing Liver Fat Quantification Using Sparsity-Constrained 5D Tensor Reconstruction |
Shu-Fu Shih, M.Sc.
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, USA |
LiverMap®: Mapping Liver Fibrosis, Inflammation, Fat & Iron With Multi-Parametric Multi-Component Relaxometry (mpMCR) |
Paul Clark, Ph.D., B.E. (Hons)
MagnePath Pty, Ltd.
Perth, WA, Australia |
Free-Breathing Three-Dimensional Stack-of-Radial Liver R2* Quantification in Pediatric Patients at 3 Tesla |
Xiaodong Zhong, Ph.D.
Siemens Healthcare
Los Angeles, CA, USA |
Fat Deblurring in Golden Angle Radial Stack-of-Stars Multi-Echo Gradient Echo for Navigator-Gated High-Resolution Water-Fat Imaging |
Christoph Zöllner, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
In Vivo Validation of MRI- & MRS-Based Quantification of Fatty Acid Composition Against Gas Chromatography |
Lena Trinh, M.Sc.
Lund University
Lund, Sweden |
Brown Adipose Tissue Water ADC Quantification with Diffusion-Weighted MR Spectroscopy in the Human Supraclavicular Fat |
Mingming Wu, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Water-Fat MRI Used for the Assessment of In Vivo BAT Thermogenesis in Mice |
Clemens Diwoky, Ph.D.
University of Graz
Graz, Austria |
Intraindividual Difference Between Supraclavicular PDFF & Subcutaneous PDFF Is Associated with Cold-Induced Thermogenesis in Adults |
Daniela Franz, Dr. Med.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Assessment of Local Human Brown Adipose Tissue Changes After Cold Exposure |
Aashley Sardjoe Mishre, M.Sc.
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands |
Session 9: Power Pitch & Poster Sessions |
Moderators: Rosa Tamara Branca, Ph.D. & Jürgen Machann, Ph.D. |
17:00 |
Power Pitch Session
Modeling of Phase Errors for Quantification of Fatty Acid Composition Using Bipolar Multi-Echo MRI
Manuel Schneider, M.Sc.
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Erlangen, Germany |
Robust Fat-Water Separation by Iterative Phasor Refinement
Hao Peng, Ph.D. Candidate
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenzhen, China |
Effect of Multi-Parametric MR Images on Accuracy of U-Net Liver Segmentations
Sara Saunders, M.S.
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA |
Extending the Signal Models of the ISMRM Fat-Water Toolbox: Generalized Parameter Estimation in Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo-Based Chemical Species Separation
Maximilian Diefenbach, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Reduction of Signal Loss Induced by Scanner Table Vibrations in High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted MRS of Lipids
Dominik Weidlich, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Quantitative White Bone Imaging with SyNthetic Auto-Interpolated In-Phase (SNAP) MRI
Timothy Bray, MBBChir, Ph.D.
University College London
London, England, UK |
Development of a Dedicated Protocol for Fat Fraction Mapping in Obese Patients With Preliminary Findings in Bone
Naomi Sakai, MBBChir, MA, MRCS
University College London
London, England, UK |
Early Changes in Skeletal Muscle Composition Following Sleeve Gastrectomy Using Chemical Shift-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Naomi Sakai, MBBChir, MA, MRCS
University College London
London, England, UK |
Psoas Volume & PDFF in Cancer Patients: Dynamics & Association with Severity of Cachexia Progression
Daniela Franz, Dr. Med.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Comparison of Quantitative MRI Fat-Fraction Measurement in SIJ Joint on Different Scanner Platforms
Alan Bainbridge, Ph.D.
University College London
London, England, UK |
Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor & Multi-Platform Assessment of Accuracy of Quantitative Proton-Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) at 1.5 & 3 Tesla with a Standardized Spherical Phantom: Results from a Study by the RSNA QIBA PDFF Committee
Houchun Hu, Ph.D.
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Columbus, OH, USA |
Magnitude-Based Water Fat Separation with Resolved Ambiguity; Automated Quality Control Across Sites, Scanner Models, Vendors & Field Strengths
Chloe Hutton, Ph.D.
Perspectum Diagnostics
Oxford, England, UK |
Hyperpolarized [1–13C] Pyruvate MR Spectroscopy of Brain Metabolism in a Type 2 Diabetes Mouse Model
⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Young-Suk Choi, Ph.D.
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea |
Hypothalamic Obesity in Children & MRI Assessment
Karuna Shekdar, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, USA |
Introduction to Hypothalamic Obesity in Children: What MR Imagers Should Know
Karuna Shekdar, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, USA |
17:45 |
Poster Session |
18:30 |
Dinner on Own |
Day 3 – Wednesday, 24 July 2019 |
07:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available Breakfast on Own |
07:50 |
Housekeeping & Announcements |
08:00 |
Energy Balance in Over- & Under-nutrition: Past Lessons & Future Directions
(Introduction by P. Cozzone) ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Christiani Jeyakumar Henry, Ph.D.
Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, A*Star
Singapore |
Interactions Between Concepts of Pathogenesis & Goals Pursued by MRI & MRS (Introduction by H. Hu & S. Velan) |
Fritz Schick, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany |
09:00 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 10: Big Data & "-omics": The Roles of Imaging |
Moderators: Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D. & Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D. |
Bridging Big Data & Imaging Studies for Precision Healthcare ⨯ Video Permission Withheld |
Neerja Karnani, Ph.D.
Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences
Singapore |
Body Composition Analysis: Perspectives on Radiomics, Machine Learning & Big Data |
Magnus Borga, Ph.D.
Linköping University
Linköping, Sweden |
10:30 |
Break for Change in Moderators |
Session 11: Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
Moderators: Jürgen Machann, Ph.D. & Holden Wu, Ph.D. |
On the Definition of Sarcopenia in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Results From the Large UK Biobank Imaging Study |
Jennifer Linge, M.Sc.
AMRA Medical
Linköping, Sweden |
Change in Liver Proton Density Fat Fraction Following Treatment with Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Preliminary Findings from an International Multi-Site Phase-II Trial |
Naomi Sakai, MBBChir, MA, MRCS
University College London
London, England, UK |
Adverse Muscle Composition Within Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Is Associated with Increased Comorbidity: Results from the Large UK Biobank Imaging Study |
Jennifer Linge, M.Sc.
AMRA Medical
Linköping, Sweden |
Spatially Resolved Lipid Droplet Size Mapping with a High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted 2D TSE Sequence in Phantoms, Human Adipose Tissue Samples & In Vivo |
Dominik Weidlich, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Automated & Standardized Whole-Body Adipose Tissue Segmentation in T1-Weighted FSE |
Thomas Kuestner, Dr.-lng.
University Hospital Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany |
Fully Automated Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Abdominal Visceral & Subcutaneous (Deep & Superficial) Adipose Tissue Depots in Children |
Yeshe Kway, B.Eng.
Hochschule Pforzheim
Pforzheim, Germany |
11:45 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 12: Bone & Marrow Adipose Tissue |
Moderators: Rosa Tamara Branca, Ph.D. & Dimitrios Karampinos, Ph.D. |
Importance of Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue in Obesity & Metabolic Disorders |
Dimitrios Karampinos, Ph.D.
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany |
Quantitative Bone Marrow MRI & MRS: An Overview of Methods |
Stefan Ruschke, Ph.D.
Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany |
MRI of Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue & of the Relationship of Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue to Bone Matrix in Healthy Aging & Disease |
Roland Krug, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA, USA |
Session 13: Open Forum/Discussion |
Workshop Summary & Discussion of Future Directions |
Houchun Harry Hu, Ph.D. & Sambasivam Sendhil Velan, Ph.D. |
15:00 |
Adjournment |