ISMRM SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOP ~ 12-15 February 2015 |
MRI in the
Management of Breast Disease: Past, Present & Future |
The ISMRM is
committed to 1. Ensuring balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all Continuing Medical Education programs; and 2. Presenting CME activities that promote improvements or quality in healthcare and are independent of commercial interests. Therefore it is the policy of the Society that any person who has influence over the content of a program designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM must disclose any real or apparent financial interest or other relationship (i.e., grants, research support, consultant, honoraria) that they or their spouse/partner have had in the last 12 months with “any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.” The ISMRM does not imply that such financial interests or relationships are inherently improper or that such interests or relationships would prevent the speaker or organizer from making an objective contribution. However, it is imperative that such financial interests or relationships be identified so that potential conflicts can be resolved before the program, and participants at the CME activity may have these facts fully disclosed in advance. It then remains for the audience to determine whether an individual’s outside interests may reflect a possible bias in either the exposition or the conclusions presented. Following are the names of all presenters, committee members and organizers who had influence upon program content. If individuals have disclosed real or apparent financial interests or relationships, the interests or relationships are described. |
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by |