ISMRM Workshop Series • 08-11 September 2017 |
ISMRM Workshop on Motion Correction in MRI & MRS Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa Program
Registration, Setup & Opening Reception – Friday, 08 September 2017 |
16:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
18:00 |
Opening Reception |
22:00 |
Adjourn |
Day 1 – Saturday, 09 September 2017 |
07:30 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available
Breakfast available for attendees staying at the Vineyard Hotel |
08:30 |

Welcome & Opening Statements |
Session 1: Effects of Motion on Clinical & Research Scans |
Moderators: Roland Bammer, Ph.D. & Joelle Sarlls, Ph.D. |
09:00 |
Implications of Motion for Clinical Imaging |
Jalal B. Andre, M.D.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA |
09:20 |
Motion in Clinical Body Imaging - No Permission |
Shalini A. Amukotuwa, M.D.
Barwon Medical Imaging, Geelong Hospital & St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne
Geelong, VIC, Australia |
09:40 |
Motion in Clinical Brain Imaging - No Permission |
Roland Bammer, Ph.D.
Royal Melbourne Hospital & University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC, Australia |
10:00 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
10:30 |
Implications of Motion for Research Imaging |
Joelle E. Sarlls, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
10:50 |
Making a One-Minute Full-Brain MR Exam Motion Robust |
Tim Sprenger, Ph.D.
MR Applied Science Laboratory Europe, GE Healthcare
Sundbyberg, Sweden |
11:05 |
Head Motion Induces Direction-Dependent Spatial Biases in Functional Connectivity |
Fikret Isik Karahanoglu, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, USA |
11:20 |
Protocol Optimization for Reducing the Scan Time of Respiratory-Triggered T2-Weighted Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) Imaging of Abdomen |
Jingfei Ma, Ph.D.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas
Houston, TX, USA |
11:35 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Tutorial/Demo 1: Coordinate Systems, Registration, Motion Assessment/Metrics, In-Scanner Motion Simulation |
Moderator: André J.W. van der Kouwe, Ph.D. |
13:00 |
Demo/Tutorial Discussion |
M. Dylan Tisdall, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USAJulian R. Maclaren, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA |
14:00 |
Discussion |
14:15 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 2: Retrospective Motion Correction Methods |
Moderators: David Atkinson, Ph.D. & Colin Studholme, Ph.D. |
14:30 |
Autofocusing, Super-Resolution & Retrospective Image Correction |
David Atkinson, Ph.D.
University College London
London, England, UK |
15:00 |
Fetal/Neonatal/Placental Imaging |
Colin Studholme, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA |
Proffered Papers |
15:30 |
Nonrigid Motion Correction Using 3D iNAVs with Generalized Motion Compensated Reconstruction & Autofocusing |
Srivathsan Koundinyan, M.S.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA |
15:45 |
Motion-Compensated Spatio-Temporal Regularization for Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI - No Permission |
Christoph Forman, Ph.D.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Erlangen, Germany |
16:00 |
Self-Calibrated Soft Gating for Respiratory Resolved 3D+Time Lung ZTE |
Tim Sprenger, Ph.D.
MR Applied Science Laboratory Europe, GE Healthcare
Sundbyberg, Sweden |
16:15 |
Targeted Motion Estimation & Reduction (TAMER): Data Consistency Based Motion Mitigation of In Vivo MRI |
Melissa W. Haskell, B.A.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, United States |
16:30 |
Improved Motion Robustness in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Intensity-Based Motion Correction |
Benedikt Rieger, M.Sc.
Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim, Heidelberg University
Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
16:45 |
Local All-Pass Filter (LAP): Efficient Optical Flow-Based Image Registration |
Thomas Küstner, Dipl.-Ing.
University Hospital Tübingen
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
17:00 |
On-the-Field Study of a Method to Reduce Motion & Aliasing Artifacts in MRI |
Andrea Dell Orso, Radiographer
Radiology Department, General Hospital
Empoli, Firenze, Italy |
17:15 |
Motion-Corrected L +S Reconstruction of Dynamic MRI Data |
Faisal Najeeb, M.S.
Comsats Institute of Information Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan |
17:30 |
Power Pitch Session |
17:40 |
Evening Poster Session |
18:40 |
Dinner & Adjourn |
Day 2 – Sunday, 10 September 2017 |
07:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available |
07:30 |
Breakfast available for attendees staying at the Vineyard Hotel |
Session 3: MRI Signal-Based Motion Tracking & Correction Methods |
Moderators: Tobias Kober, Ph.D. & André J.W. van der Kouwe, Ph.D. |
08:00 |
Navigator Approaches to Motion Correction |
Andre J. W. van der Kouwe, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, USA |
Proffered Papers |
08:30 |
EPI with Projected Fat Navigators for Prospective Motion Correction |
Ola Norbeck, M.Sc.
Karolinska University Hospital
Stockholm, Sweden |
08:45 |
Prospective Motion Correction in Multi-Shot RARE Imaging Using Multi-Slice-to-Volume Image Registration |
Daniel Christopher Hoinkiss, M.Sc.
Fraunhofer MEVIS
Bremen, Bremen, Germany |
09:00 |
3D Volume Navigator-Based Prospective Motion Correction in CEST MRI |
Gizeaddis Simegn, M.Sc.
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa |
09:15 |
Motion Measurement Using Free Induction Decay Navigators & Sensitivity Profiles of Multi-Channel Coil Arrays |
Tess Wallace, Ph.D.
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston, MA, USA |
09:30 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Tutorial/Demo 2: Retrospective Reconstruction with NUFT, Physics Simulation (POSSUM) |
Moderator: M. Dylan Tisdall, Ph.D. |
10:00 |
Demo: Retrospective Reconstruction Toolbox |
Daniel Gallichan, D.Phil.
Cardiff University
Cardiff, England, UK |
11:00 |
Demo: POSSUM |
Mark Jenkinson, Ph.D.
University of Oxford
Oxford, England, UK |
12:00 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 4: Beyond Motion: Secondary Effects of Changes in Pose & Navigators for Measuring Physiology |
Moderators: Lars Hanson, Ph.D. & Signe Johanna Vannesjö, Ph.D. |
13:00 |
Magnetic Field Dynamics & Motion Correction |
Signe Johanna Vannesjö, Ph.D.
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, England, UK |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
13:20 |
High-Resolution Brain Scans Using Active Markers & Field Tracking in the Lab Frame |
Alexander Aranovitch, M.Sc.
Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich & University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland |
13:35 |
Motion Estimation with Scattering from a Parallel Transmit RF Coil in the Body: Theory & Simulations of Sensitivity to Tissue Motion |
Aaron Hess, Ph.D.
University of Oxford, OCMR
Oxford, England, UK |
13:50 |
Data-Driven Correction for Respiration-Induced B0 Variations in Gradient Echo Imaging |
Tim Nielsen, Ph.D.
Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies
Hamburg, Germany |
14:05 |
Revealing Sub-Voxel Motions of Brain Tissue Using Phase-Based Amplified MRI |
Julian R. Maclaren, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA |
14:20 |
Prospective Correction for Motion-Induced Frequency Drifts in MR Spectroscopy Using OVS-Localized Navigator - No Permission |
Phil Lee, Ph.D.
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS, USA |
14:45 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
15:15 |
Poster Session |
Session 5: Non-MRI-Signal Based Motion Tracking Methods |
Moderators: Julian MacLaren, Ph.D. & Ernesta Meintjes, Ph.D. |
16:15 |
Motion Correction with External Tracking Systems & Markers |
Maxim Zaitsev, Ph.D.
University Medical Centre Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany |
16:35 |
Motion Correction with Markers Only |
Melvyn B. Ooi, Ph.D.
Philips Healthcare
Phoenix, AZ, USA |
16:55 |
Motion Correction without Markers |
Stefan L. Glimberg, Ph.D.
Ballerup, Denmark |
Proffered Papers |
17:15 |
Gradient Distortions in EEG Provide Motion Tracking during Simultaneous EEG-fMRI |
Malte Laustsen, M.Sc.
Center for Magnetic Resonance, DTU Elektro, Technical University of Denmark
Gentofte, Denmark |
17:30 |
Multi-Modality Prospective Motion Correction of the Human Head |
Ali Aghaeifar, M.Sc.
Department for High-field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
17:45 |
Slice-by-Slice Prospective Motion Correction in EPI Using a Markerless Motion Tracking System |
Paul Wighton, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, USA |
18:00 |
Optimised Feature Detection for Markerless Motion Tracking of the Head |
David Henry, M.M.P.
The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW, Australia |
18:15 |
Adjourn |
18:30 |
Dinner |
Day 3 – Monday, 11 September 2017 |
08:00 |
Registration & Speaker Upload Available
Breakfast available for attendees staying at the Vineyard Hotel |
Session 6: Specialized Applications of Motion Correction |
Moderators: Christian J. Günthner, M.Sc. & Aaron T. Hess, Ph.D. |
09:00 |
Motion Correction for Cardiac Imaging |
Christian J. Günthner, M.Sc.
ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland |
09:30 |
Motion Correction in Spectroscopy: Where the B0 Fields Count Most |
Aaron T. Hess, Ph.D.
University of Oxford
Oxford, England, UK |
10:00 |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
10:00 |
350 μm Isotropic Whole-Brain MP2RAGE without Averaging |
Klaus Scheffler, Ph.D.
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
10:15 |
Ultra-short TE Imaging with Perspective Motion Correction |
Xiang Gao, M.Sc.
Department of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center University of Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany |
10:30 |
Phase-Based Motion Detection for Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Tongue |
Rao Gullapalli, Ph.D.
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD, USA |
10:45 |
Break & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 7: Hybrid Approaches |
Moderators: Christian J. Günthner, M.Sc. & Aaron T. Hess, Ph.D. |
Proffered Papers - Oral Session |
11:00 |
Framework for Effective Encoding Trajectory Calculation in Presence of Continuous Motion - No Permission |
Patrick Hucker, M.Sc.
Deptartment of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center University of Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany |
11:15 |
Circular Translation Navigators for Use with Orientation Tracking Hardware (VectOrient) |
Adam van Niekerk, BSc. Eng.
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa |
11:30 |
Data-Drive Approaches for Motion Correction in PET-mR |
David Rigie, Ph.D.
New York University Langone School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA |
11:45 |
Rigid Motion Correction for PET Brain Imaging during Simultaneous PET/MR - No Permission |
Julian R. Maclaren, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA |
12:00 |
Markerless Real-Time Motion Correction & Comparison with Volume Navigator (vNav) Motion Estimation |
Robert Frost, Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, USA |
12:15 |
Lunch & Speaker Upload Available |
Session 8: Vendor Frameworks for Supporting Motion Correction |
Moderators: Stefan L. Glimberg, Ph.D. & Maxim Zaitsev, Ph.D. |
13:15 |
Philips Healthcare: Motion Correction Solutions & Research Tools - No Permission |
Melvyn B. Ooi, Ph.D.
Philips Healthcare
Phoenix, AZ, USA |
13:35 |
Motion Robust Imaging: A GE Perspective |
Ajit Shankaranarayanan, Ph.D.
GE Healthcare
Menlo Park, California, USA |
13:55 |
Siemens Healthineers' Motion-Robust Imaging: Prospective, Consistent, Effortless - No Permission |
Tobias Kober, Ph.D.
Siemens Healthineers
Lausanne, Switzerland |
14:30 |
Closing Remarks |
14:45 |
Adjournment |
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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This workshop does not offer CME credits. |