
Program with Recorded Oral Presentations now available to Workshop Attendees!

  Friday, 23 October 2009
16:30 - 19:30 Registration and Dinner
  Saturday, 24 October 2009
Parallel MRI from Beginnings to Today
07:30 Registration and Breakfast
08:30 Welcome - Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
08:40 History of Parallel Imaging - Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
09:10 From Inverse Source to New Permanent Magnet Design in MRI and other Applications - Doron Kwiat, Ph.D., Ra'anana, Israel
  Parallel Reception - Fundamentals and State of the Art
09:45 Parallel MR Image Reconstruction - Nicole E. Seiberlich, B.S., Ph.D., University Hospitals, Shaker Heights, OH, USA
10:15 Coil Array and System Design for Parallel Imaging - Mark A. Griswold, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
10:45 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
  Parallel Reception - New Image Reconstructions and Coil Array Designs
11:15 Proffered Papers
  A Rapid Self-Calibrating Radial GRAPPA Method Using Kernel Coefficient Interpolation - Noel C.F. Codella, M.Eng.
A Method to Assess g-factor and Noise in Dynamic MR Image Series - Yu Ding, Ph.D.
Noise Amplification in Iterative Joint Estimation Algorithms for Parallel MRI - Julien Sénégas, Ph.D.
Joint Estimation of Signal and Coil Sensitivities with a Bilinear Model - M. Dylan Tisdall, Ph.D.
12:15 Open Discussion
12:30 Lunch and Poster Viewing
  Parallel Transmission - Fundamentals and State of the Art
13:30 Pulse Design for Parallel Excitation - Yudong Zhu, Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
14:00 Coil Array and System Design for Parallel Transmission - Ulrich Katscher, Ph.D., Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany
  Parallel Transmission - New Pulse, Coil Array, and System Designs
14:30 Proffered Papers
  Multi-Dimensional RF Pulse Design for Parallel Transmission Using Graphics Processing Units - Weiran Deng, Ph.D.
Joint Design of Large-Tip-Angle RF and Gradient Waveforms in Parallel Excitation - William A. Grissom, Ph.D.
Comprehensive Analysis of 7T Multi-Channel Transmit Array Performance - Mikhail Kozlov, Ph.D.
Input Predistortion and Loopback Architecture for Precision Transmit Array Control - Pascal P. Stang, B.S., M.S.
15:30 Open Discussion
15:45 Refreshment Break and Poster Viewing
  Current Applications
16:15 Cardiovascular Imaging - Peter Kellman, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health NHLBI, Bethesda, MD, USA
16:45 Neuroimaging - Roland Bammer, Ph.D., Stanford University, Lucas Center, Stanford, CA, USA
17:15 Proffered Papers
  Subject Specific Water Selective Imaging Using Parallel Transmission - Shaihan J. Malik, Ph.D.
Tailored Water Selective Imaging in the Knee Using a "Bolt-On" Parallel Transmit - Francesco Padormo
G-factor Weighted T2*-IDEAL Reconstruction for Non-Uniformly Under-Sampled K-Space Acquisitions - Curtis Wiens, B.Sc.
Through-Time Radial GRAPPA Calibration: Application to Real-Time Cardiac Imaging - Nicole E. Seiberlich, Ph.D., B.S.
CAIPIRINHA Accelerated SSFP Imaging - Daniel Stäb
Parallel Imaging for Non-Rigid Motion Compensation - Feng Huang, Ph.D.
18:45 Open Discussion
19:00 Poster Viewing and Dinner
  Sunday, 25 October 2009
Limits and Opportunities
07:30 Registration and Breakfast
  Limits and Opportunities for Parallel Reception: Highly Parallel MRI and Compressed Sensing
08:30 Extending the Limits of Acceleration: An Update On Time-Domain Techniques, Constrained Techniques, Compressed Sensing, Etc. - Jeffrey Tsao, Ph.D., Novartis Institute for BioMed Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
09:00 Proffered Papers
  A Rapid and Robust Approach for Sparsity Constrained SENSE - Feng Huang, Ph.D.
Faster L1SPIRiT Reconstruction With Parallel Imaging Initialization - Peng Lai, Ph.D.
Combination of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Whole-Heart Cardiac Perfusion MRI - Ricardo Otazo, Ph.D.
Atlas Based Sparsification of Image and Theoretical Estimation (ABSINTHE) - Eric Y. Pierre, M.S.
Robustness of Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI in the Presence of Inaccurate Sensitivity Estimates - Carlos Fernández-Granda, M.Sc.
Routine Application of >10x-Accelerated 3DFT to Clinical Contrast-Enhanced MRA - Clifton R. Haider, B.S.
Combining Nonconvex Compressive Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Highly-Accelerated 4D CE-MRA - Joshua D. Trzasko
10:45 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
  Consensus Panel: SNR Measurement and Reporting in Parallel MRI
11:15 Opening statement Peter Kellman, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health NHLBI, Bethesda, MD, USA
Mark A. Griswold, Ph.D.
Peter Kellman, Ph.D.
Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D.
Yudong Zhu, Ph.D.
12:30 Lunch and Poster Viewing
  Limits and Opportunities for Parallel Transmission: Calibration, Validation, and Implementation
13:30 Electrodynamic Limits for Parallel Transmission - Riccardo Lattanzi, Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
14:00 Proffered Papers
  Automated In Vivo Global SAR Prediction for Parallel Transmission - Leeor Alon, M.Sc., B.A.
Development of a Versatile MRI Simulator Including SAR and Noise Correlation for Multiple Transmit and Receive Coils in 3D - Zhipeng Cao, B.S.
Parallel Excitation Using Nonlinear Non-Bijective PatLoc Encoding Fields - Martin Haas, Ph.D.
Inner-Volume-Imaging Using Three-Dimensional Parallel Excitation: Simulations and First Experimental Results - Johannes T. Schneider
Four-Dimensional Spectral-Spatial Pulses for Susceptibility Artifact and B1+ Inhomogeneity Reduction Using Parallel Transmission - Cungeng Yang, Ph.D.
Simultaneous Signal Loss Correction from B1 and B0 Field Inhomogeneity in BOLD fMRI with Parallel Excitation - Daehyun Yoon, B.S., M.S.
15:30 Open Discussion
15:45 Refreshment Break and Poster Viewing
  Consensus Panel: Unsolved Problems in Parallel Transmission
16:15 Panel of Experts in Parallel Transmission
  Ulrich Katscher, Ph.D.
Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D.
Wolfgang Ruhm, Ph.D.
Yudong Zhu, Ph.D.
  Vendor Perspectives and Product Plans
17:30 Philips, Stefan E. Fischer, Ph.D.
17:45 Siemens, Stefan A.R. Kannengiesser, Ph.D.
18:00 GE, Anja C. Brau, Ph.D.
18:15 Bruker, Wolfgang Ruhm, Ph.D.
18:30 Communication Power Corp., Russel Bannan
18:40 Analogic, Adrian Delforge, B.Sc.
18:50 Quality Electrodynamics, Hiroyuki Fujita, Ph.D.
19:00 Poster Viewing, Dinner, followed by a relaxing evening with your colleagues enjoying a wonderful view of the Pacific Coast from the outdoor terrace!
  Monday, 26 October 2009
The Future: Where from Here?
07:30 Registration and Breakfast
  Emerging Technologies, Methods, and Applications
08:30 Parallel Imaging without Gradients - Jürgen Hennig, Ph.D., Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
09:00 Parallel Imaging with Non-Bijective Gradients - Maxim Zaitsev, Ph.D., Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
09:30 Proffered Papers
  The Concept of a 'Local K-Space' in PatLoc - Daniel Gallichan, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Small-Animal Imaging Using Non-Linear, Non-Bijective "PatLoc" Encoding Fields: First In-Vivo Results - Stephanie Ohrel
10:00 Open Discussion
10:15 Break (with Coffee)
  Consensus Panel: Unsolved Problems and Unmet Needs in Parallel MR
11:00 Discussion of general problems and needs, and detailing of future action items
Topics to include
a) scientific/technological needs and
b) organizational needs (e.g. code and data sharing)
Mark A. Griswold, Ph.D.
Peter Kellman, Ph.D.
Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D.
Yudong Zhu, Ph.D.
11:50 Closing Remarks - Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

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