ISMRM Workshop Series • 28 September - 01 October 2017

ISMRM Workshop on Ensuring RF Safety in MRI:
Current Practices & Future Directions

Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, McLean, VA, USA


During this workshop, radiofrequency (RF) safety will be explored and explained from the perspectives of regulatory groups, clinical practice, science, and industry. The workshop will consider RF safety related to both the magnetic resonance (MR) scanners and the conductive medical devices that may be present in the MR environment. An up-to-date, comprehensive educational overview on the topic is the overall goal.

This workshop will feature presentations and discussions led by topic experts. Additionally, scientific and clinical abstracts will be accepted for poster and proffered presentations during the meeting. A diverse audience consisting of clinicians, physicists, engineers, students, technologists/radiographers, and others interested in MR safety is anticipated.

Target Audience

The workshop is designed for physicians, physicists, physiologists, engineers, regulators, technologists/radiographers, students, and those involved in MR-safety concerns.

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Evaluate current safety standards/guidelines proposed by regulatory bodies/other scientific groups;
  • Explain the underlying thermo-regulatory response to MR-induced heating in humans;
  • Analyze current state in thermo-physiological modeling to determine in vivo heating;
  • Discuss the current state in determining adverse thermal effects in vivo;
  • Summarize testing methods to evaluate/determine safety of conductive medical devices to be used in the MR environment; and
  • Identify and interpret labeling associated with conductive medical devices to be used in the MR environment.
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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by
the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
This workshop does not offer CME credits.