Functional Connectivity Across Species
fMRI Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Oral Session - Functional Connectivity Across Species
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 16:00 - 18:00
  • Whole-brain vascular connectome: a new approach to investigate the functional brain networks using large-scale angioarchitecture
    Michael Bernier1,2, Jingyuan E Chen1,2, Olivia Viessmann1,2, Nina E Fultz1,3, Maxime Chamberland4, Rebecca K Leaf5, Lawrence L Wald1,2,6, and Jonathan R Polimeni1,2,6
    1Department of Radiology, A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Engineering, University of Boston, Boston, MA, United States, 4Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), Cardiff, United Kingdom, 5Division of Hematology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 6Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, United States
    We used a blood-pool contrast agent to increase four-fold the segmented vasculature, and developed an approach to reconstruct the vascular pathways by approximating spherical harmonics. We used deterministic tractography on the ODFs to compute a vascular connectome of GM and WM atlases.
    3. Example “vascular connectome” and specific vascular pathways connecting pairs of brain regions. For both (A) Freesurfer’s Destrieux 2009 GM parcellation and (B) Recobundle White-Matter bundle atlas, the connectome obtained for one subject is shown. For each, two example region-to-region connections were selected from the tracts computed previously to illustrate the complex pathway connecting those regions.
    2. Vascular tractography. (A) shows 10k tracts reconstructed from the 200k computed, with two cross-sections highlighted in yellow and purple. In yellow, the tracts and ‘vesselness’ scores are overlaid by the ODF at crossings, while the ri­ghtmost shows the main directions (tensor) of the ODFs. (B) In the purple cross-section, the tracts and vessels are overlaid with transparency to demonstrate the correspondence.
  • Functional connectome of autonomic, limbic, nociceptive, and sensory brainstem nuclei using 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI in living humans
    Simone Cauzzo1,2, Kavita Singh2, Matthew Stauder2, Maria Guadalupe Garcia Gomar2, Nicola Vanello3, Claudio Passino1,4, Jeffrey Staab5,6, Iole Indovina7,8, and Marta Bianciardi2
    1Life Sciences Institute, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, 2Brainstem Imaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 4Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Pisa, Italy, 5Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 6Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 7Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy, 8Laboratory of Neuromotor Physiology, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Roma, Italy
    Using high spatial resolution 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI and a recently developed in-vivo brainstem nuclei atlas, we report the functional connectome of autonomic and sensory brainstem nuclei in living humans. 
    Figure 2: (A) Connectivity matrix (i.e. mean connectivity values, n = 20) and (B) circular connectome (–log10(p-value)) of 15 brainstem nuclei (red bracket). For both (A) and (B), for display purposes, we thresholded the results at p<0.0005 Bonferroni-corrected. C) On top, bar plot displaying laterality index for bilateral seeds only. On bottom, bar plot displaying the connectivity degree of each seed: the horizontal line refers to the average degree. Seeds exceeding the average (i.e. IC, VTA-PBP, LPB, MPB, Ve, sMRt, VSM, iMRT) were considered hubs and marked with a red star.
    Figure 3: Functional connectome of (A) left iMRt and (B) left MPB (p<0.0005 Bonferroni corrected for display purposes). (A) We confirmed iMRt connectivity to: ION, previously found in cats12; Ve13; VSM14 for taste-elicited ingestion/rejection responses; PAG for pain modulation15. Expected connectivity with SC and LPB were low11. (B) MPB showed expected connectivity to DR, thalamus, and (weaker) VSM and amygdala, yet we did not observe connectivity to RMg. Connectivity to insular and cingulate cortex was strong11. Connectivity to PAG and VTA was in line with rat studies16,17.
  • Salience network modulation leads a sequence of brain activity that causes resting-state fMRI correlations with EEG and physiological signals
    Yameng Gu1, Feng Han1, Lucas Eugene Sainburg1, and Xiao Liu1
    1Pennsylvania State Universitya, University Park, PA, United States
    A sequence of brain dynamics led by salience network changes causes resting-state fMRI correlations with EEG alpha power and physiological signals. 
    Figure 3. (A) The average of fMRI time segments centering at sensory dominant co-activations (N=343). (B) The EEG alpha power, HR, RV changes in the same group of time segments. (C) Left: The alpha-rsfMRI correlation maps before and after regressing out the fMRI sequence in (A). Right: the lag-dependent alpha-rsfMRI correlation within the three ROIs before and after regressing out the fMRI sequence. The shaded regions represent area within 1 S.E.M. (D-E): The physio-rsfMRI correlation maps before and after regressing out the fMRI sequence.
    Figure 2. RsfMRI correlations with physiological signals show similar patterns as the alpha-rsfMRI correlations. (A) The z-scored correlation maps of RV/HR with rsfMRI signals at various time lags are similar to the alpha-rsfMRI correlation maps. (B) Cross correlation function between the alpha-rsfMRI correlation maps and the RV/HR-rsfMRI correlation maps.
  • Resting-state fMRI Predicts Task Activation Patterns Using a Graph Convolutional Network
    Zhangxuan Hu1,2, Hua Guo2, Lihong Wang3, Bing Wu1, and Xue Zhang4
    1GE Healthcare, MR Research China, Beijing, China, 2Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, MI, United States, 4Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
    Resting-state activity could predict task-evoked activation patterns under different behavioral domains using a graph convolutional network.
    Fig. 2 Predicted and actual activation maps of 3 representative subjects in the WM (2BK), social (RANDOM), emotion (FACES) behavioral domains.
    Fig. 1 Modeling pipeline. Group independent component analysis was implemented to parcellate data of all subjects into 50 shared brain networks, individuals’ connectivity maps for each network were derived following the dual regression procedure and were entered as features of the GCN. A customized brain parcellation of 399 ROIs were applied as graph nodes, individual FC matrix of those ROIs was calculated as the edges. Four Chebyshev spectral graph convolutional layers were used, instance normalization was added for each of the first three layers to reduce over-fitting.
  • Evolutionary gap of the default mode network organization between non-hominid primates and humans
    Clément M. Garin1, Yuki Hori2, Stefan Everling 2,3, Christopher T. Whitlow 4, Finnegan J. Calabro 5, Beatriz Luna5, Marc Dhenain 6,7, and Christos Constantinidis 1,8
    1Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC, United States, 2Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping, Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 3Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 4Department of Radiology, Section of Neuroradiology, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC, United States, 5Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 6Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay UMR 9199, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 7Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (DRF), Institut François Jacob, MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 8Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
    ·       In all non-hominid primates, the medial prefrontal cortex is not associated with the DMN as in humans ·       Medial prefrontal cortex in non-hominid primates is associated with another network that we called fronto-temporal.
    Figure 1: Dictionary learning statistical map of resting-state large-scale network in four primate species using 7 components. Two high order network are illustrated for each species: Human (A): default mode and fronto-parietal control. Macaque (B), Mouse lemur (C), Marmoset (D): fronto-parietal and fronto-temporal.
    Figure 2: Large-scale network functional atlas of the primate brains. Seven components of the dictionary learning analysis were concatenated and labeled based on their anatomical features. Human functional atlas (A) Macaque (B) Marmoset (C) Mouse lemur (D). Cerebral clusters were spatially separate (colored dashed line) and further used to extract their correlation strength with other clusters of interest.
  • Evolutionarily conserved fMRI network dynamics in the human, macaque and mouse brain
    Daniel Gutierrez-Barragan1, Stefano Panzeri2, Ting Xu3, and Alessandro Gozzi1
    1Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory,, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CNCS, Rovereto, Italy, 2Neural Computation Laboratory, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CNCS, Rovereto, Italy, 3Center for the Developing Brain, Child Mind Institute, New York, NY, United States
    We present a set of dynamic features governing whole-brain spontaneous fMRI activity in the mammalian brain (mouse, macaque and human), delineating reproducible and recurrent BOLD co-activation topographies; state-dependent dynamics; and evolutionary links between species.
    Fig2.Cross-species CAP topography reveals evolutionarily conserved rsfMRI network engagements. Co-activation patterns (CAPs) from mice, macaques, and humans (p<0.05,Bonferroni corrected). Red indicates significant co-activation, blue significant co-deactivations. Abbreviations: Ctx-Cortex; SMN-Sensory-motor Network; DMN-Default-Mode Network; TH-Thalamus; Cd/Pu-Caudate/Putamen;VIS-Visual Network LN-Limbic Network;HCP-Hippocampus; ECN-Executive-Control Network;DAN-Dorsal-Attention Network; SN-Salience Network.
    Fig3. CAPs exhibit infraslow fluctuations and gradual assembly/disassembly. A), C), E) Power-spectral density (PSD) of CAP-to-frame correlation timecourses (mean +/-SEM). B),D),F) CAP temporal assembly by time-lock averaging the highest peaks in the CAP timecourse.
  • Power and Frequency Fluctuations of Gastric Electrical Activity Modulate fMRI Activity in Rat Brains
    Jiayue (Cherry) Cao1, Xiaokai Wang1, Yizhen Zhang2, and Zhongming Liu1,2
    1Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, ANN ARBOR, MI, United States, 2Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, ANN ARBOR, MI, United States
    We identify a resting state network encoding the frequency and power fluctuations of the gastric slow wave – a rhythmic activity pacing the stomach. Key regions in this network are the insula, cingulate cortex and the prefrontal cortex.
    Figure 1. Simultaneous recording of EGG and brain fMRI reveals distinct fMRI maps at different gastric conditions. (A) layouts of the 32-channel electrode array for EGG recording and plotted an example of EGG time series. (B) shows the power fluctuations of EGG at different frequencies. (CDE) are averaged fMRI maps during bradygastria, tachygastria, and rhythmic condition, together with examples of the power-frequency relationship curve. In fMRI maps, color encodes z-value that obtained by the distribution of fMRI intensity from the whole brain.
    Figure 2. The EGG power network of the rhythmic EGG. (A) we assume that EGG power is extrinsic stimuli to the BOLD activity. We can estimate the response function H based on EGG power and the BOLD activity. According to the robustness of H, we can map the corresponding EGG power network. (B) shows the EGG power network at 5CPM. Color encodes t-score. The EGG power covers the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), spinal vestibular nucleus (SpVe), thalamic nucleus (VM), amygdala (APir), somatosensory cortex (S1BF), insular cortex (AIP), striatum (Cpu), orbital cortex (VO/LO.
  • Identifying functional correlations between lateral hypothalamus and cingulate cortex underlying brain state-dependent pupil dynamics
    Kengo Takahashi1,2, Filip Sobczak1,2, Patricia Pais-Roldán3, and Xin Yu1,4
    1High-field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience, Tübingen, Germany, 3Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-4), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 4Athinoula A. Martinos Center, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
     fMRI signals in the lateral hypothalamus coupling together with pupil dynamics may represent different brain states.
    Figure 1. Electrophysiology setup and correlations between pupil dynamics and LFP delta power from the ACC or LH. a) the experimental setup for electrophysiology and pupil detection. b) examples of positive and negative correlations between pupil diameter and LFP delta (1-4Hz) power changes from the ACC and LH during 15-min resting state trials. c) Distribution of correlation coefficient between pupil dynamics and LFP delta band power at the LH or ACC. d) Categorization of trials based on a positive or negative correlation between pupil dynamics and LH delta power.
    Figure 3. Correlations between fMRI and ACC 1-4Hz calcium power in the whole brain. a) multimodal resting-state fMRI setup simultaneously recorded with optical fiber calcium signals and pupil dynamics. b) Distribution of correlation coefficient between pupil dynamics and ACC 1-4Hz calcium power and their examples of positive and negative correlations during 15-min trials. c) t-value maps of the correlation between fMRI and ACC 1-4Hz calcium power when the pupil dynamics and ACC 1-4Hz calcium power show negative correlations and location of the LH, indicated with white arrows.
  • Resonant oscillatory modes in rat cortical activity revealed by ultra-fast fMRI
    Joana Cabral1,2, Francisca F. Fernandes1, and Noam Shemesh1
    1Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
    Resonant oscillations in ultra-fast fMRI signal (TR = 38 ms) are detected within the rat cortex under sedation, peaking between 0.03z and 0.25Hz and synchronizing in phase across distant brain areas, providing insights into the mechanisms underlying resting-state functional connectivity.
    Bilaterally synchronized cortex-specific oscillations in fMRI signal detected at 0.20-0.24Hz. A – A mask is defined by considering all voxels exhibiting power 5 standard deviations above the mean level detected in a dead rat. B – The fMRI signal in the mask voxels is band-pass filtered between 0.20 and 0.24 Hz and plotted over time, revealing ultra-slow amplitude modulations (here one representative scan). C – Snap shots of the band-pass filtered fMRI signal revealing bilateral synchronization.
    Slow oscillations decrease in power with anesthesia. A – fMRI Spectral power maps (averaged across scans) reveal resonance at specific frequencies in different brain and body structures that decrease significantly in power under deep anesthesia. B – Comparison of the power in each frequency bin between conditions (6 scans per condition), normalized by the average power in the dead rat scans. C – Statistically significant differences are only considered if p<0.00083 (Bonferroni threshold).
  • Inhibitory Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Drives Frequency Specific Brain-wide Responses
    Xunda Wang1,2, Alex T. L. Leong1,2, Eddie C. Wong1,2, Teng Ma1,2,3, Pit Shan Chong4, Chi Him Poon4, Pek-Lan Khong3, Lee-Wei Lim4, and Ed X. Wu1,2
    1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 4School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
    We reveal frequency specific brain-wide responses driven by the inhibitory somatosensory thalamic reticular nucleus. Such frequency specific engagements of brain-wide neural activity could underlie selective modulation of local circuits or global networks in different brain functions.
    Brain-wide BOLD responses upon optogenetic stimulation of ssTRN at different frequencies. (A) Illustration of atlas-based ROI definitions in the sensorimotor cortical, thalamic and midbrain regions, higher-order cortical and limbic regions, and basal ganglia regions. (B) BOLD activation maps at different frequencies of ssTRN stimulation (Bonferroni-corrected p<0.001). 1Hz stimulation evoked positive bilateral cortical and vCPu responses while 4-40 Hz stimulations evoked negative ipsilateral vCPu response. (C) BOLD profiles extracted from atlas-based ROIs.
    Histological confirmation of ChR2 expression in inhibitory TRN neurons, optogenetic fMRI experiment setup and stimulation paradigm. (A) Confocal images of ChR2-mCherry expression in TRN with lower (left) and higher (right) magnification. Overlay of images reveals colocalization of the nuclear marker DAPI, inhibitory marker GABA, and ChR2-mCherry in the cell body of inhibitory TRN neurons (indicated by white arrows). (B) Optogenetic stimulation setup illustration (left) and a typical fMRI scan timeline with different optogenetic stimulation paradigms (right).
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Digital Poster Session - Functional Connectivity Methods
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 17:00 - 18:00
  • Investigating the relationship between temporal SNR and resting-state networks to evaluate the feasibility of fMRI at a low field MR scanner
    Arjama Halder1,2, Demetrius Riberio de Paula3, William B Handler1, Andrea Soddu1, and Blaine A Chronik1,2
    1xMR Labs, Physics and Astronomy, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 3Donders Institute, Radbound University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
    Correlation coefficients for different resting-state networks and tSNR were found to linearly relate within a 95% confidence interval. The lower limit on tSNR will be calculated and used in future experiments with the 0.5T scanner.
    Fig 4. Shows the Visual Occipital regions’ normalized Z values for a specific subject for (a) mean tSNR = 74.2 and (b) mean tSNR = 17.8 which causes the similarity index calculated between the normative database and volunteer’s data to drop from 73% in (a) to 62% in (b) within a 95% confidence interval.
    Fig 3. Shows the correlation coefficient as a function of tSNR for an (a) Auditory region and (b) DMN region for each subject. The p-value for the linear regression is less than 0.05 indicating the fit statistically significant.
  • Evaluation of spatial blur induced by preprocessing and distortion in UHF fMRI data
    Jianbao Wang1,2, Shahin Nasr2,3, Anna Wang Roe1,4, and Jonathan R. Polimeni2,3,5
    1Department of Neurology of the Second Affiliated Hospital, Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering, of Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 5Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
    We suggest several approaches to reduce losses in spatial accuracy in high-resolution fMRI imposed during data acquisition and processing and recommend methods for quantifying the spatially-varying resolution. These methods can provide spatial “error bars” to use when evaluating results.
    Fig. 4: Effect of surface mesh upsampling on representing fine-scale features. (a) The number of unique fMRI voxel for different surface upsampling factors ranging from 1 to 4, and for the original surface. Dashed lines represent these values for each individual subject; bars show the average across subjects. (b) Voxels missing from when using the original surface that were captured with increasing upsampling factors. Color indicates voxel index. (c) Thin-stripe columnar pattern detected in V2 from original surface and upsampled surface. p<0.001. Value of color bar: −log(p).
    Fig. 5: Spatial nonuniformity of resolution induced by geometric distortion, in this case due to gradient nonlinearity. Voxel size varies smoothly across brain regions due to geometric expansion and compression from gradient nonlinearity, which varies with the design of the gradient coil. Examples from whole-brain axial slices (a) and histogram (b) show the spatial distribution of relative voxel size in volume dimension. Color gradient from blue to red indicate smaller to larger true voxel sizes.
  • Spatiotemporal Trajectories in Resting-state FMRI Revealed by Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
    Xiaodi Zhang1, Eric Maltbie1, and Shella Dawn Keilholz1
    1BME, Emory University/Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, United States
    We trained a convolutional variational autoencoder to extract spatial temporal patterns from resting-state fMRI data. The extracted latent dimensions are spatially aligned with previous findings, but also provide temporal information in addition.
    Figure 3. The latent dimensions can be organized into 6 groups (shown in rows) based on their spatial similarities. Panel A shows how the spatial profile at the max-variance time (in figure 2) changes when sliding a single latent variable from -3 to +3. Panel B shows the spatial similarities among latent variables, which were clustered using K-means clustering (K = 6). The cluster number and the variance explained were also shown. Panel C shows the weighted mean functional connectivity of each cluster of latent variables.
    Figure 2. Spatial temporal patterns extracted by latent dimensions. Each subplot is obtained by making one latent variable equal to +3 (+3σ for Gaussian distribution) while fixing the rest of the latent variables at zero. The x-axis is time in seconds. The y-axis is the 246 parcels. The patterns have arbitrary units, but all subplots share the same display scale so that higher variance results in higher contrast. The 32 latent variables are already organized in 6 clusters (see figure 3). The black cursor indicates the maximum variance time.
  • Temporal filtering affects time-varying functional connectivity metrics of the human brain
    Francesca Saviola1, Stefano Tambalo1, and Jorge Jovicich1
    1CIMeC, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto (TN), Italy
    Temporal band-pass filtering affects the quantification of brain connectivity dynamics in resting-state fMRI. This emphasizes the importance of pre-processing details in the light of reproducible research.
    iCAPs coupling differences when the same data undergoes different temporal filtering. Red and blue denote co-activations with the same or opposite signs, respectively. A) Couplings with significantly longer duration in prep1. B) Couplings with a significantly shorter duration in prep1. Couplings were measured in terms of the percentage of total scanning time of the two co-occurrent iCAPs.
    iCAPs total duration percentage from two pre-processing pipelines (same data). PrimVIS: primary visual, SecVIS: secondary visual, aInsula: anterior insula, Language: language network, dACC/dPFC: dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, pDMN: posterior default mode network, DMN: whole default mode network AUD/SM: auditory/sensorimotor, AUD: auditory, AMY/HIP: amygdala/hippocampus, SubCort: subcortical network. Asterisk denotes significant differences (p-valueFDR< 0.05)
  • Detection of High-Frequency Resting-State Connectivity using Spectrally and Temporally Segmented Regression of High-Speed fMRI Data
    Bruno Sa de La Rocque Guimaraes1, Khaled Talaat1, and Stefan Posse2,3
    1Nuclear Engineering, U New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 2Neurology, U New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 3Physics and Astronomy, U New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States
    A novel spectrally and temporally segmented regression approach for high-speed resting-state fMRI data substantially reduced physiological noise, motion effects and artificial high-frequency correlations compared with a recently developed sliding window regression approach.
    Figure 4. (a) Unilateral AUD seed location in healthy subject 2, (b) low-frequency resting-state connectivity map thresholded at 0.6, (c) HRAN regressed data high-frequency resting-state connectivity maps and (d) spectrally and temporally segmented regressed high-frequency resting-state connectivity map, both thresholded at 0.3.
    Figure 5. Frequency power spectrum using visual seed in healthy subject 1 visualized using Turbofilt. (a) Shows the spectrum before regression, (b) shows the spectra after using HRAN and (c) is the spectrum after performing the spectrally and temporally segmented regression. The boxes correspond to labels of physiological noise. The curves correspond to tentative fits of the noise spectral power. The strong peak at 0.566Hz is a machine artifact.
  • Predicting the temporal dynamics of the hemodynamic response using the spectrum of resting state fMRI signals
    Sydney Bailes1 and Laura D. Lewis1
    1Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States
    There are significant differences in spectral properties of resting state fMRI signals between voxels with fast and slow hemodynamics and these properties can be used to classify voxels as fast or slow.
    Figure 1: Simulating HRFs with different temporal dynamics. A) Six HRFs with varying TTPs and FWHMs that were compared in our simulation. SPM HRF is the canonical two-gamma HRF used in SPM software while the five other HRFs have TTPs and FWHMs based on literature7. B) Spectrum of each HRF C) Changes in predicted fMRI response amplitude across different frequencies for different HRF timings.
    Figure 3: Differences in resting state spectra across fast and slow voxels. A) Example spectrum showing how each variable shown in Fig. 3b-d were calculated. B-D) Differences in the average of the B) slopes of the resting state spectrum, C) average power, and D) exponent of fit to b-log10⁡Freqx fast and slow voxels in a session, 8/8 slope, 7/8 low frequency power, 7/8 aperiodic exponent pairings have significant difference (p<0.5), error bars report SEM.
  • Mapping of phase-space dynamics for fMRI data
    Zhenhai Zhang1, Kaiming Li2, and Xiaoping Hu2
    1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California,Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States, 2Department of Bioengineering, University of California,Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States
    With phase space embedding, we reconstructed the phase portrait of BOLD signals and calculated the sum of the length of the portrait edges (SE). Statistical parametric maps of SE showed that it could be a viable disease biomarker.
    Fig.2: Overview of the methods. (A): Preprocessed BOLD time courses from a single subject; (B): Reconstructed phase attractors in the 3D space ;(C) Feature extraction by calculating the sum of the length of the portrait edges (SE) for each attractor;(D): Calculated SE map of a subject; (E): Iteration of (A)-(D) over all subjects of the datasets; and (F): statistical analysis.
    Fig.4: (a) Whole brain t-stat map for COBRE data set; (b) Whole brain t stat maps for B-snip data set.
  • Cerebellum integration in motor network improves Dynamic Causal Modeling performance
    Roberta Maria Lorenzi1, Letizia Casiraghi1,2, Adnan Alahmadi3,4, Anita Monteverdi1,5, Egidio D'Angelo1,5, Fulvia Palesi1,5, and Claudia A.M. Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott1,4,5
    1Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 2Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale (ASST) di Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Applied medical sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom, 5Brain Connectivity Centre Research Department, IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy
    Dynamic Causal Modelling confirms the key role of the cerebellum in motor generation. Including cebellar-motor cortex connections in a network modulated by motor input provides a better estimate of the effective connectivity and BOLD signal prediction.
    Figure 1) DCM models. A) Model 1: included volumes of interest (VOIs) are CRBL, M1, SMA, and PMC. B) Model 2: included VOIs are FP, M1, SMA, and PMC. Between-regions connections and self-inhibitory connections for each regions are reported. Driving input representing the squeezing-ball task are set for M1 and SMA. Modulatory input representing the force level used during the task is specified for all M1 input connections.
    Figure 3) Second-Level analysis outcomes. Group analysis is performed in terms of Free variational energy (F). Bayesian model selection (BMS) parameters are: posterior probability (A), protected exceedance probability (B) and Bayesian Omnibus Risk (BOR) (C). All panels confirm that model 1 is the best choice.
  • Reproducibility Test of Global Functional Connectivity
    Jian Lin1, Wanyong Shin1, Stephen E Jones1, Katherine A Koenig1, and Mark J Lowe1
    1Radiology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
    Global functional connectivity (GFC) measures the resting state functional connectivity from each voxel to entire brain. In this study, we found the reliable reproducibility (ICC=0.64) of GFC in different ROIs  from scan-rescan.
    Figure2: example of gfc map in MNI space
    Figure 1: example of GFC definition from the distribution, observed student t-score distribution (blue) and fit FWHM to a Gaussian (orange)
  • Deep Linear Modeling of Hierarchical Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
    Wei Zhang1, Eva M Palacios1, and Pratik Mukherjee1
    1UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
    We introduce deep linear models for hierarchical fMRI brain connectivity network reconstruction that do not require the manual hyperparameter tuning, extensive fMRI training data or high-performance computing infrastructure of nonlinear deep learning.
    Figure 1. Deep linear model (shown as (c), (d)) versus shallow linear model (shown as (b)). (a) SG represents the input fMRI signal matrix, containing the t time points and m voxels. (c1) and (d1) represents the weight matrix/dictionary identified via SG of 1st and 2nd layer, respectively. (c2) and (d2) represents the feature matrix of 1st and 2nd layer, respectively. The dashed blue rectangle indicates the deeper features beyond the 2nd layer.
    Figure 2. Comparison of six representative 1st layer networks from all four deep linear models (presented in the second to fifth column) with the ground truth templates (presented in the first column) from simulated fMRI data. (a) Three networks illustrate better intensity matching to the templates by Deep MF and Deep SDL than by Deep FICA or Deep NMF. (b) Three networks show better spatial matching to the templates by Deep FICA and Deep NMF than Deep MF or Deep SDL. Auditory Network: AUD. Brainstem/Cerebellum: B/C. Default Mode Network: DMN. Visual networks: VIS-1, VIS-2, VIS-3.
  • The effect of common resting-state fMRI preprocessing steps on the signal power spectrum
    Jacob J.L. Matthews1, Jillian Krotz1, and J. Jean Chen1,2
    1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
    We demonstrate that commonly used preprocessing steps each alter the resting-state fMRI signal in a unique way, modifying the cardiac and respiratory noise before physiological denoising is even applied.
    Figure 1. Normalized Fourier power spectra. Normalized Fourier power spectra calculated after each preprocessing step. Values have been binned and averaged across subjects. Error bars represent standard error across subjects. a) Motion Correction: Respiratory frequency, respiratory harmonics, and cardiac frequency labelled, b) Smoothing: Respiratory frequency, and respiratory harmonics labelled, c) Motion Regression: Respiratory frequency labelled, d) High Pass Filtering: no visible physiological frequency peaks.
    Figure 2. Normalized Power Spectra Difference Ratios. Normalized Fourier power spectrum difference ratios expressed as a percent change. Values have been binned and averaged across subjects. Error bars represent standard error across subjects. a) Motion Correction: Respiratory frequency labelled, b) Smoothing: Respiratory frequency labelled, c) Motion Regression: Respiratory frequency labelled, d) High Pass Filtering: no visible physiological frequency peaks.
  • Testing for regional anatomical and physiological biases in fMRI signal fluctuations using surface-based deep learning
    Olivia Viessmann1, Divya Varadarajan1, Adrian V Dalca1,2, Bruce Fischl1,2, Michael Bernier1, Lawrence L Wald1,2, and Jonathan R Polimeni1,2
    1Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
    We provide a proof of concept that surface-based CNNs can predict anatomical and physiological data from fMRI signals. Specifically, we trained CNNs to predict local cortical thickness, cortical orientation to the B0 field and MR angiography data from resting-state timeseries.
    Figure 1: Overview of deep learning framework. A) The surface-based data is parameterized using spherical coordinates to a 2D “image” to serve as CNN input. B) A U-Net architecture is used to learn the relationship to the output data. Outputs are 2D “images” of anatomical or physiological features also parameterized using spherical coordinates. C) Example estimation of cortical thickness.
    Figure 2: Results of the CNN predictions for an exemplar test subject. True and predicted thickness (A), MRA intensity (B) and cortical orientation angles (C). Feature maps are displayed on the inflated and pial surface. The prediction error varies spatially, but generally the pattern of error is unstructured with some focal regions exhibiting higher predictability than others. Generally, the predicted feature maps appear to be a smoothed version of the ground truth feature maps.
  • A human brain number system model based on fMRI connectivity and deep-learning network
    Ray F. Lee1
    1Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
    The human brain’s number system can be decomposed to subitizing and counting subsystems based on the fMRI data, where subitizing and counting can be modeled by deep-learning networks CNN and RNN respectively.
    The BOLD responses during brains' numbering process.
    A deep-learning network model for brain's number system.
  • Investigation of altered brain activation based on MultiBand fMRI: A Graph Theory study
    pengfei Zhang1, wanjun Hu1, jun Wang1, guangyao Liu1, jing Zhang1, and kai Ai2
    1LanZhou University Second Hospital, lanzhou, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Xi'an, China
    We tested the advantages of multiband (MB) over single band fMRI from the whole brain network level by using graph theory. Our results suggested that MB rs-fMRI has better capacity in detecting brain network properties with higher temporal SNR and more insightful information.
    Fig.1 The averaged functional connectivity matrices of MB rs-fMRI and Conventional rs-fMRI. MB rs-fMRI had a slightly stronger functional connectivity pattern in comparison to conventional acquisition sequence.
    Fig.4 The distribution of brain regions, left (L) and right (R), with different nodes efficiency. The regions with significantly higher efficiency were colored in red. Reversely, in blue (P<0.05, FDR corrected). The node sizes indicate the significance of the between-group differences in regional efficiency. OLF=olfactory cortex, SFGmed=superior frontal gyrus, medial, AMYG=amygdala, MOG=Middle occipital gyrus, PreCG=precentral gyrus, SMA=supplementary motor area, SPG=superior parietal gyrus.
  • Locating seed automatically in posterior cingulate cortex for resting state fMRI data analysis by using unsupervised machine learning
    Mingyi Li1, Katherine Koenig1, Jian Lin1, and Mark Lowe1
    1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
    We developed a fully automatic data-driven method to generate seed clusters and corresponding maps for rs-fMRI data analysis by using machine learning.  This method could generate seed in PCC to match the manually picked seed as long as the seed searching ROI included the manually picked seed.
    Figure 2. Matched seeds. Top row shows manually picked seed and bottom row shows automatically generated seed.
    Figure 1. Generating feature vector by combining rs-fMRI connectivity and T1 parcellation. Panel A: Z-map, Panel B: Z-score distribution, Panel C: Freesurfer parcellation, Panel D: feature vectors.
  • Group cohesive parcellation results in superior functional-based parcellation with greater parcel-level parsimony than current approaches
    Ajay Nemani1 and Mark Lowe1
    1Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
    Group cohesive parcellation is introduced, yielding parcels with exemplar time series that highly correlate to their members at group and individual level.  Group cohesive parcellation also compares favorably to existing parcellations using common measures of cluster validity.
    Distribution of group parcel cohesion (mean) vs group parcel dispersion (std). Most parcels are represented as a histogram (gray scale), the largest 20 parcels are shown individually (color, size proportional to parcel size). The overall size-weighted group mean (0.58, black line) and minimum (0.5, grey line) are also shown. a) Corresponding spatial map. Distributions of cohesion shown for the current (b), anatomical (c), and connectivity-based (d) parcellations when projected to each subject’s data. GCP = group parcel cohesion, Des = Destrieux6, YC = Yeo/Choi7,8.
    Parcels are validated across all 18 subjects based on parcel cohesion (top row), homogeneity (middle row), and modified silhouette (bottom row) for group cohesive (left column), anatomical, and connectivity-based (right column) parcellations. Boxes represent median and interquartile ranges, whiskers cover 95% of the distributions. Group mean are also shown (black lines and bottom right values). GCP = group parcel cohesion, Des = Destrieux6, YC = Yeo/Choi7,8.
  • Validation of group cohesive parcellation of rsfMRI
    Xuemei Huang1, Ajay Nemani1, and Mark J. Lowe1
    1Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
    Single-subject cohesive parcellation were done for nine healthy subjects’ rsfMRI data.  Based on motion quality, the best data for six subjects was used for group cohesive parcellation. DICE scores for LOOCV parcellation were similar to intra-subject CV and better than random parcellation.
    Group cohesive parcellation for the group of the six subjects
    DICE scores for LOOCV, random parcellation and intra-subject cross-validation
  • Individual-level parcellation of the human auditory cortex and comparison of their functional connectivity pattern
    Hyebin Lee1,2, Kyoungseob Byeon1,2, Sean H. Lee3, and Hyunjin Park2,4
    1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 3Department of Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 4School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of
    Our analysis pipeline parcellated the human auditory cortex into three clusters, the central and two other flanking parts. Each cluster exhibited a distinct functional connectivity pattern indicating its contribution to different functional networks.
    Fig. 2: Parcellation results of the primary auditory cortex for (a) left and (b) right hemisphere. Cluster 1 (black) showed the strongest SC to STG. Cluster 2 (green) was located in gyrus part of HG. Cluster 3 (red) showed strong SC to insula.
    Fig. 3: T-values for regions with significantly different mean FC visualized in the atlas space. Positive t-values are presented as red color which implies the mean FC values in a pair of regions satisfy cluster1 > cluster3. Negative t-values are presented as blue color which implies the mean FC values in a pair of regions satisfy cluster1 < cluster3. The seed is located in (a) the left hemisphere and (b) the right hemisphere, respectively.
  • Inter-group Heterogeneity of Regional Homogeneity (REHO)
    Yan Jiang1, Mohammed Ayoub Alaoui Mhamdi1, and Russell Butler1,2
    1Bishop's University, sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Diagnostic Radiology, University of Sherbrooke, sherbrooke, QC, Canada
    By investigating physiological contributions to REHO across 412 subjects in 9 datasets, we conclude that, due to the significant correlation with multiple artifacts of non-neuronal origin, REHO should be used with caution to infer differences in neuronal activity across groups.
    Figure 5. correlation REHO vs Respiration Rate, Heart Rate, Motion Parameters and FWHM inter-group. (a) Scatter plots of REHO (before correcting the fMRI data using BlurToFWHM) vs artifects. (b) Correlation of REHO in each voxel vs artifects across 9 datasets. (c) Scatter plots of REHO (after BlurToFWHM) vs artifects. (d) Correlation of REHO in each voxel vs artifects across 9 datasets. (e) Scatter plots of REHO (after BlurToFWHM and regression) vs artifects.
    Figure 2. Correlation maps of REHO vs Respiration Rate across time inter-subject heterogeneity. (a) a scatter plot showing the correlation in the cross marked voxel. (b) Average correlations between the REHO of 10 segments (3D+time data was divided across time) and the respiratory series in each voxel of each subjects. (c) Average correlation map of 9 datasets. (d) Correlation map calculated by pooling all 4120 REHO sub-bricks together.
  • Optimizing connectome-based real-time neurofeedback for improved attentional control
    Xiangrui Li1, Oyetunde Gbadeyan 1, and Ruchika Shaurya Prakash1
    1Department of Psychology and Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States
    Combined connectome-based models of sustained attention and mind-wandering are representative of high and low attentional states, thus making them appropriate targets for real-time fMRI neurofeedback.
    Figure 3. The correlation score difference between combined networks from both in Figures 1 and 2.
    Figure 2. The correlation score difference between low mind-wandering and high mind-wandering networks. The score difference is significantly lower for the first block (p<2e-7 for Run1 and p<0.022 for Run 2), while they are not significant for later blocks.
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Digital Poster Session - Functional Connectivity Applications
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 17:00 - 18:00
  • A quality-control database for the resting-state young-adult human connectome project
    Daniele Mascali1,2, Antonio Maria Chiarelli1, Richard Geoffrey Wise1, and Federico Giove2
    1Institute for Advanced Biomedical Technologies, Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, "G. D'Annunzio University" of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy, 2Centro Fermi - Museo storico della fisica e Centro studi e ricerche Enrico Fermi, Rome, Italy
    We provided a quality-control database for the resting-state data of the young-adult human connectome project. We showed how to exploit the database to select subjects/scans with opposite noise characteristics, suitable for benchmarking denoising pipelines.
    Figure 2. Pearson’s correlations between a subset of the extracted QC metrics. The correlation matrix was obtained considering the whole HCP dataset.
    Figure 3. The box plots show the distributions of some representative QC metrics for the two samples of LM and HM subjects (n=250 in each sample). The criteria for sample definition was based on the extreme values of the CensFDDVARS distribution (first plot) and was limited to scans with RL phase encoding.
  • EEG Quantum Microstates correlate with resting state fMRI networks
    Sneha Vaishali Senthil1, Vijayakumar Chinnadurai1, Ardaman Kaur1, Pawan Kumar1, Prabhjot Kaur1, and Maria D Souza1
    1NMR Division, Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, India
    A novel quantum EEG microstate-based clustering approach to segregate resting state fMRI networks is proposed and validated.
    Figure 1: Schematic flowchart of the methodology employed in this study.
    Figure 3: Correlation heatmap between ICA components of both quantum microstates and resting-state fMRI networks. The correlation values are plotted in colour and mentioned numerically inside the box. Insignificant correlations are shown as zero inside the box.
  • The effects of one rTMS session on the left DLPFC on episodic future thinking: preliminary results.
    Peter Van Schuerbeek1, Linde De Wandel2, Sam Bonduelle3, Djamila Bennabi4, and Chris Baeken3
    1Radiology, UZ Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, 2Head and Skin, UGent, Ghent, Belgium, 3Psychiatry, UZ Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, 4Laboratoire de Neurosciences Intégratives et Cliniques, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Bourgogne, France
    Our results revealed changes in the connectivity between the MPFC and right LP with both amygdalae during episodic future thinking (EFT) after 1 real or sham rTMS session.
    Figure 1. The network formed by the MPFC and the right LP from the DMN and the left and right amygdala showing a significant interaction (Real-Sham stimulation) x (Before-After stimulation).
    Figure 2. Boxplots presenting the difference (Before-After stimulation) in the connectivity between the MPFC (top) and right LP (bottom) with both amygdala for the real and sham stimulation.
  • Tracing effects of breath-training on healthy brains using RS-fMRI
    hacer dasgin1, naciye vardar yagli2, melda saglam2, and kader karli oguz3
    1National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2The Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
    After breath training, the treatment IMT shows less activation clusters with less activation strength compared to the sham IMT. Our results agree with previous meditation studies including breathing training, showing that DMN is deactivated and network gets more organised and localised
    Fig.1. RS-fMRI global correlations of fourteen subjects obtained at baseline (A) and at 8 weeks after the training at 15% of MIP (B) and profoundly decreased connectivity patterns at 60% of MIP
    Fig. 2. Compared with Default-mode-network (DMN) activity at baseline (A), at 8 weeks after breath-training at 15% of MIP (B) reduced activation (yellow-to-red) at ACC, PCC and left intraparietal sulcus (IPS) along with diminutive activation at right IPS. Deactivation (blue) is seen in the bilateral insula and periventricular area (B). Note that reduction in BOLD activation at ACC network and at posterior cingulate-retrosplenial cortex, disappeared at the temporal lobes at 60% of MIP (C)
  • Functional connectivity markers of cross-modal inhibition: Effects of auditory and visual stimulation on homo- and hetero-modal brain networks
    Anissa L. Ramadhani1,2, Ali-Reza Mohammadi-Nejad1,2,3, Katrin Krumbholz2,4, and Dorothee Auer1,2,3
    1Radiological Sciences, DCN, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2SPMIC, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Nottingham BRC, Queens Medical Ctr, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 4Hearing Sciences, DCN, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
    We investigate if brain coherence reduction is a modality-specific effect, by comparing BOLD signal during rest and a continuous auditory or visual task.  Our results suggest that task-induced reduction in brain coherence occurs only in default-mode and hetero-modal brain regions.
    Figure 2. A) Coronal section of the human brain showing the representative Broadmann areas studied. B) Pairwise connectivity in ROI-to-ROI FC during rest. Strongest FC is shown in dark red. C) Mean z score (±SEM) showing FC in five strongest connections from panel (B), between BA 41 and 42, between BA 42 and 22, and between left and right hemisphere of BA 41, 42 and 22, during rest and each task condition. BA: Brodmann area. BA 41/42/22: primary/secondary/tertiary auditory cortex. NS/AS/VS: no task/acoustic task/visual task.
    Figure 1. Global correlation maps represent a measure the connectedness of each voxel, characterized by the strength and sign of connectivity between a given voxel and the rest of the brain. The DMN was identified during resting-state (NS), while during task-state (AS and VS) DMN appeared to be reduced. Language network and dorsal-visual network were identified during AS and VS, respectively. Maps were thresholded at a voxel threshold of p < 0.001 (uncorrected) and a cluster threshold of p < 0.05 (FDR corrected). DMN: Default Mode Network. NS/AS/VS: no task/acoustic task/visual task.
  • Characteristics of frequency specificity associated with memory cognition.
    Himanshu Singh1, S Senthil Kumaran1, A Ankeeta1, and Shefali Chaudhary1
    1Department of NMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
    Semantics perception associated with singular syllable is perceived in respect to its frequency characteristics. Shifting from IPS to FEF within attentional framework which may be associated with frequency specificity of stimuli characteristics. 
    Figure 1: Network connectome for (a) 500Hz (PTA) modulated 1-Back Memory task, (b) 1-Back Memory without modulation and (c) 1-Back recall without modulation.
  • Locus coeruleus is associated with brain state switching
    Sana Hussain1, Isaac Menchaca1, Mahsa Alizadeh Shalchy2, Kimia C. Yaghoubi2, Jason Langley3, Aaron R. Seitz2, Megan A.K. Peters4, and Xiaoping P. Hu1,3
    1Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States, 2Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States, 3Center for Advanced Neuroimaging, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States, 4Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States
    The results described demonstrate that locus coeruleus (LC) activation is associated with switching between brain states.  Consequently, they provide potential insight into LC functionality and its relationship with latent brain states.
    Figure 2. Latent brain states identified from the HMM. Compared to the other states, S1 shows increased DMN activity while S2 shows increased DAN and SN activity. S3 appears to be a transition state consistent with that presented in literature11, and S4 is prevalent during the squeeze blocks of the paradigm. DMN - default mode network; FPCN - fronto-parietal control network; DAN - dorsal attention network; SN - salience network; LC - locus coeruleus.
    Figure 3. Boxplot showing the average pupil dilation during switching between brain states for active session (left, blue) and sham session (right, red).
  • Dynamic nature of resting networks across different brain states in auditory attentional framework.
    Himanshu Singh1, S Senthil Kumaran1, and A Ankeeta1
    1Department of NMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
    Quantification of dynamic nature of hemodynamics pre, post and during Navon task revealed an association with the most recent experience. Features of dynamic are observed only across information perceiving network hub, irrespective of overlaid framework even across complex processing.
    Table 1. Network interaction across different brain states in alphabet Navon task
  • Frequency heterogeneity of semantic language perception in auditory cognition.
    S Senthil Kumaran1, Himanshu Singh1, A Ankeeta1, and Shefali Chaudhary1
    1Department of NMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
    Processing of complex information (sentences or series of words) involves modulation of frequency during auditory perception, which may not represent underlying semantic frequency characteristics.
    Figure 1. Intermediate frequency modulation for recall condition in the frequency range (a) 10 to 16 kHz and (b) 1 to 3 kHz.
    Figure 2. Frequency modulation for (a) memory condition at 2 kHz (b) recall condition in the intermediate range of 1 to 3 kHz.
  • KIBRA rs17070145 interacts with gender on brain gray matter volume and functional connectivity density in healthy young adults
    Junxia Wang1, Sichu Wu2, Jiaming Lu1, Jilei Zhang3, Zhao Qing1,4, and Bing Zhang1
    1Department of Radiology, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China, 3Philips Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 4Institute for Brain Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
    These findings underscored the importance of KIBRA and gender interactions as regards to brain structural and functional alterations, which is crucial for the neurobiological understanding of episodic memory.
    Figure1 KIBRA rs17070145 interacts with gender on brain gray matter volume and long-range functional connectivity density. Male KIBRA C-allele carriers showed greater GMV in the inferior temporal gyrus, while decreased lrFCD in the left middle temporal gyrus and left middle cingulate gyrus than male TT homozygote. FWE correction, voxel p < 0.01, cluster p < 0.05.
  • Global Connectivity of the Cerebellum Predicts Slow Wave Sleep Improvement: A Randomized Controlled Acupuncture Trial
    Ran Pang1,2, Xi Wu3, Yuchen Chi4, Rommy Elyan5, Xianke Luo6, Zhigang Chen6, Qingxian Yang2, Karunanayaka Prasanna7, and Kuncheng Li8
    1Department of Radiology, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China, 2Department of Neurosurgery, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States, 3Department of Acupuncture, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China, 4Department of Otolaryngology, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China, 5Department of Radiology, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, PA, USA, Hershey, PA, United States, 6Department of Neurology, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China, 7Department of Radiology, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States, 8Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
    Using verum and sham acupunture treatments, and resting state fMRI, we've identified a unique role and architecture for the cerebellum. It acts as a flexible, global hub with a brain-wide influence that supports and maintains circadian rhythms and sleep homeostasis.
    Figure 2. (A) Cerebellum mask (B &C) DC changes in cerebellum (8,9) is correlated with sleep improvement (D) Insignificant DC changes between verum and sham groups in cerebellum (8,9)
    Figure 3. (A) Functional connectivity (FC) between the cerebellum (8,9) seed and the thalamus (B & C) FC changes in thalamus are correlated with sleep improvement in both groups (D) Significant FC changes between the verum and sham groups in the thalamus (**p < 0.01).
  • Dynamic functional network connectivity differences and its association with neurocognitive changes in cirrhotic patients
    Jia Yan Shi1, Zhong Shuai Zhang2, and Hua Jun Chen1
    1Department of Radiology, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou, China, 2SIEMENS Healthcare, Shanghai, China
    Aberrant dynamic FNC is a fundamental feature of brain dysfunction in cirrhotic patients without OHE, which is associated with neurocognitive decline. Dynamic FNC analysis may be a promising avenue in generating new insights into cirrhosis-related neuropathological processes.
    Figure 2. Left column indicates the FNC matrices of States 1-4, with the number of windowed FNCs in every state, the corresponding percentage, as well as the number of participants from every group who entered into the state. Right column represents the visualization of functional network connectivity in each state. The functionalconnectivity matrix was screened using a threshold of 0.1 to display all independent components of functional networks. HC, healthy control; PA, cirrhotic patient.
    Figure 3. Significant group differences in the functional network connectivity in each state. The results are displayed as the -sign(t)*log10(p). Statistical threshold wasestablished at an FDR-corrected P<0.05. HC, healthy control; PA, cirrhotic patient.
  • Altered cortical-striatal network in patients with hemifacial spasm
    Wenwen Gao1, Lei Du1, Bing Liu1, Yue Chen1, Yige Wang1, Xiuxiu Liu1, Lizhi Xie 2, and Guolin Ma1
    1China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China, 2GE healthcare, China, Beijing, China
    Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a motor disorder. The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional alterations of the cortical-striatal network in HFS using resting-state fMRI. To sum up, these data suggest that HFS may lead to an alteration of neural activity of the cortical-striatal loop.

    Fig. 1: Differences of the cortical-striatal FC in patients with HFS compared to healthy controls. The FC between striatal subregions and both motor and emotion-related cortex was statistically different between the two groups (GRF correction, voxel P < 0.005, cluster P < 0.05). The yellow dots in the brain represent the seeds of striatal subregions. The red regions represent the increased FC between seeds and cortexes, while the blue areas represent a decreased FC. The color bar represents the t value.

  • Alterations in regional and network-level neural function in patients with HCV infection and its association with cognitive dysfunction
    Jia Yan Shi1, Zhong Shuai Zhang2, and Hua Jun Chen1
    1Department of Radiology, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou, China, 2SIEMENS Healthcare, Shanghai, China
    This preliminary study presents additional evidence that HCV infection affects brain function, including local intrinsic neural activity and global functional integration.
    Figure 1. Within-group ALFF maps in the healthy control (HC) group as well as the patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The letters “L” and “R” represent the left and right sides, respectively.
    Figure 3. The functional connectivity pattern of seed region (i.e. left medial frontal gyrus and bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus) in the healthy control (HC group) and the patients with Hepatitis C Virus infection (HCV group). Compared with HC group, HCV group shows decreased functional connectivity between seed region and right middle frontal gyrus. The letters “L” and “R” represent the left and right sides, respectively.
  • Brain structural and functional reorganization in tinnitus patients without hearing loss after sound therapy: a preliminary longitudinal study
    Qian Chen1, Han Lv1, Zhaodi Wang2, and Zhenchang Wang1
    1Department of Radiology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
    Idiopathic tinnitus patients experienced significant differences in auditory-related and nonauditory-related brain reorganization before and after sound therapy (narrow band noise), that is, sound therapy may have a significant effect on brain reorganization in patients with idiopathic tinnitus.

    Figure4 Intergroup differences in internetwork FC between the tinnitus patients and HCs and between the patients before and after sound therapy.

    (A) Compared with the HCs, the tinnitus patients exhibited a decreased (i.e., positive) (mVN and lVN) or an increased (i.e., less negative) (mVN and SMN; mVN and AN) internetwork FC at baseline.

    Figure4 (B) Compared with HCs, tinnitus patients showed a decreased (i.e., positive) (AN and pDMN; DAN and LFPN) internetwork FC after sound therapy.
  • Altered small-world, functional brain networks in patients with postherpetic neuralgia
    jian jiang1 and yanwei miao1
    1The first affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university, Dalian, China
    Enter a 250-character short synopsis that will appear in the digital slides. The short synopsis should NOT appear in the actual abstract submission.
    The brain networks of the LBP group lead to the slower information processing in the brains of those with LBP compared to PHN.
  • Clavulanic Acid Alters Functional Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Subjects with Cocaine Use Disorder: A Pilot fMRI Study
    Helene L Philogene-Khalid1,2, Eric M Cunningham1, Mary F Morrison1,2, and Nicolas R Bolo3,4
    1Psychiatry, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Center for Substance Abuse Research, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, United States, 4Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
    In cocaine addiction, repeated CLAV decreased the anterior cingulate connectivity with default mode and cue reactivity related networks, while it increased the anterior cingulate connectivity with sensory-motor and motor control processing networks.
    Fig. 1 Statistical nonparametric map showing regions with significant decrease in functional connectivity (FC) with the ACC after 10days of CLAV administration compared to baseline. Regions of decreased FC (FDR=0.01, corrected) in blue-green scale (paired t-test T-value threshold 5.3) overlaid on the standard MNI-152 brain in grey scale. Right side sagittal slice (y=-56) shows the angular gyrus region. Left side axial slice (z=33) shows the angular gyrus, precuneus, and posterior cingulate cortex regions. R=right L=left A=anterior P=posterior I=inferior S=superior
    Fig. 2 Statistical nonparametric map showing regions with significant increase in functional connectivity (FC) with the ACC after 10days of CLAV administration compared to baseline. Regions of increased FC (FDR=0.01, corrected) in red-yellow scale (paired t-test T-value threshold 5.3) overlaid on the standard MNI-152 brain in grey scale. Right side sagittal slice (y=-6) shows the Paracentral gyrus (pre and post-central) regions. Left side axial slice (z=48) shows the Supplementary Motor Area and dorsal ACC regions. R=right L=left A=anterior P=posterior I=inferior S=superior
  • Can familial Alzheimer variability affect brain networks? Exploration through Osaka Ab variant inoculation in mice.
    Marina Celestine1, Jean-Baptiste Pérot1, Muriel Jacquier-sarlin2, Karine Cambon1, Julien Flament1, Alain Buisson2, Anne-Sophie Hérard1, and Marc Dhenain1
    1Université Paris-Saclay, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Molecular Imaging Research Center (MIRCen), Laboratoire des Maladies Neurodégénératives, Fontenay-aux-roses, France, 2University Grenoble Alpes, Inserm, U1216, Grenoble Institut Neurosciences (GIN), Grenoble, France
    Exposition to Alzheimer's disease related-Aβ variant lead to memory impairment, brain connectivity alteration and decreased brain glutamate levels in transgenic mouse model.
    Figure 2. Aβosa and Aβice induce seed-based analysis of connectivity changes amongst network. Whole-brain dictionary learning maps depicting 19 cortical and subcortical components found in 4 main networks (upper). Group differences seed-based connectivity pattern through components for inoculum site (dentate gyrus)(lower). Asterisk represents significant p-value (p<0.001) of the group difference in Fisher z-transformed correlation.
    Figure 5. Decreased glutamate levels after Aβosa inoculation in APPswe/PS1de9 mice. a. GluCEST average signal evolution in APPice, APPosa and APPcontrol mice shows age-related modification detected in 9 mpi animals. They are rescued by Aβice inoculation. b. Variation maps of GluCEST at 4mpi (right). Variations was calculated in every region from the atlas. Colors represent hyposignal (blue) and hypersignal (red) comparing to control mice (*p<0.05).
  • Changes in Gray Matter Volume and Functional Connectivity of Obese Females with Acupuncture and Diet Control Therapy: Placebo Effect or Not?
    Jiawei Han1, Hui Zhang2, Junqi Xu2, Fanwen Wang2, Jian Gao3,4, Weibo Chen5, Hongmei Yan6, and He Wang1,2
    1Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 3Department of Nutrition, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 4Center of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 5Philips Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 6Department of Endocrinology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
    Compared with diet control, acupuncture increase grey matter volume in  physiological and psychological brain regions, where the impact on functional connectivity is even lighter after therapy. Acupuncture is likely to improve endocrine while reducing the pressure of weight loss.
    Figure 1. (i) Regions wherein GMV are significantly increased after acupuncture. The centers of 3 ROIs are MNI space coordinates of these clusters’ peak voxel (ROI 1: (-38, -72, -35); ROI 2: (-5, -54, 8); ROI 3: (39, -41, 66)). (ii) Regions wherein GMV are significantly increased after diet control therapy. The centers of 2 ROIs are the MNI space coordinates of these clusters’ peak voxel (ROI 4: (18, -9, -38); ROI 5: (-30, 47, 27)). P: Posterior; A: Anterior. Results (scan 2 – scan 1) are reported with a threshold of p < 0.001 (uncorrected) on the voxel level and a cluster extent > 30 voxels.
    Figure 2. The results of FC with 5 ROIs after acupuncture. A: Row 1 is the region wherein FC with ROI 2 are significantly increased and row 2 is the region wherein FC are decreased. B: The region wherein FC with ROI 3 are significantly decreased. C: The region wherein FC with ROI 4 are significantly increased. D: The region wherein FC with ROI 5 are significantly increased. L: Left; R: Right. Results (scan 2 – scan 1) are reported with a threshold of p < 0.001 (uncorrected) on the voxel level and a cluster extent ≥ 5 voxels.
  • The Changes in Longitudinal ALFF and ReHo  Values of Methamphetamine Abstinence Subjects Based on Harvard-Oxford Atlas
    Yanyao Du1, Ru Yang1, Wenhan Yang1, Huiting Zhang2, and Jun Liu1
    1Department of Radiology, the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, China, 2MR Scientific Marking, Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Wuhan, China

    The ALFF value of the two regions may be a new biomarker which can reflect the impact of withdrawal on brain function.

    Figure 1. Different brain regions compared by ALFF value of short-term and long-term abstinence groups